Page 72 of Forever Broken
“You know what I regret? I regret that he was ever born in the first place.” He looked at Paul. “Your mother was right to leave when she did. I’m glad she didn’t stick around to find out what you are.” Paul felt like he’d been punched in the gut. A part of him realized that his father was just saying whatever he thought would hurt the most. But still, to have the old pain of his mother’s desertion thrown in his face was almost too much to take. Without the love and support Laurent was sending through their link he didn’t know what he would have done. “That’s fucking low, man,” he managed at last.
“No, what’s low is being a faggot. A fucking vampire- loving faggot.” Paul’s father gestured at Angel. “Go ahead and do what you want to him, just do it outside my shop.
I never want to see him again.”
Lucia’s mouth was quivering with suppressed emotion. “This is wrong and we’re going to talk about exactly how wrong it is later.” She looked at Paul. “Maybe you should go, Paulito. But I want you to know I still love you, no matter what you are or who you’re with.”
“We’re going.” Paul pulled Laurent closer to him, grateful for the warmth and courage he was pouring through the bond. “I’ll talk to you later, Mom.” He turned and pulled Laurent out the door, leaving the Chop Shop forever. He took a deep breath and the muggy Miami air felt like soup in his lungs. “Well that went well.”
“I assume you are being sarcastic.” Laurent squeezed his hand. “Paul, I am so sorry.
The door banged behind them and suddenly Angel was standing there, glaring at Paul.
“Not so fast, Pauly. Your old man might be done with you but I’m not. It’s time for some pack justice. Chulo!”
“Here, packleader.” Chulo appeared from around the side of the building and behind him were Gordo, Shakes, Juanito and most of the rest of the pack.
Paul stared at them in disbelief. Oh shit—now we’re fucked Courage, mon amour. We will not go down without a fight. Laurent stepped out in front of Paul and glared at Angel. “You will not touch him unless you go through me first.”
“That might be rather difficult as you’re going to be coming with us.”
Paul felt Laurent’s surge of fear through their link at the sound of the new voice.
Turning, he saw several well-dressed vamps gliding toward them from the shadows of the parking lot. Paul recognized one of the women from the vision he’d had of Laurent before their bond was complete. That must be his mother. And the older male vamp with a frown on his face looked too much like Laurent to be anything but his father. Paul shook his head. “Great, what is this—family fucking reunion night? You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I assure you, mon amour, this is no joke.” Laurent’s voice trembled slightly though he tried to keep it steady. His parents were there with several other vampires he didn’t recognize and none of them looked happy. “Mother, Father. May I ask what you are doing here?” “We’ve come to collect you. The ceremony is in an hour, you know.” His mother frowned and sniffed delicately. “What is this place anyway, darling? It stinks of dog.”
Angel and the rest of Paul’s pack growled menacingly but Laurent’s father raised a hand and addressed them directly. “We mean you no harm. We are only here for our son.”
The volume of the growls increased. “Fucking vamps. Let’s fuck ’em up,” someone shouted. Howls of agreement answered the statement and for a moment Laurent thought they were going to come to blows. But then his father spoke again, raising his voice to be heard over the angry chorus.
“There is no need to fight. We will take our son and be on our way and you can have the wolf.” He nodded at Paul but his eyes were fixed on Angel’s the entire time he spoke. “I repeat, we do not need to fight.”
“Uh, yeah…maybe you’re right.” Angel nodded despite the angry growls of the rest of the pack. His eyes were glassy and he looked at Laurent’s father as though he couldn’t look away.
Paul was staring at his packleader in disbelief. What’s going on? What is he doing to Angel?
He’s bespelling him, Laurent sent. It was an impressive display of power and it seemed to be working. All his father’s attention was concentrated on Angel as both pack and coven were set to spring on each other. Suddenly Laurent saw their chance.
Quick! He squeezed Paul’s hand. Let’s get away while they’re focused on each other.
Good idea. Slowly they began backing away. Laurent knew the exact location of the Spyder in the parking lot behind them. The key was in his hand and he was ready to drive as fast and as far as it took to get them free of their old lives. If they could just make it a little farther— “Not so fast, little ’un.” A cold hand had him by the arm and Laurent looked up to see that a perfectly enormous male vampire was impeding his retreat. Laurent didn’t recognize him but it was obvious he had been made from a human rather than born to the Blood. Besides his cold-as-ice skin and lack of a heartbeat, his breath stank of the grave.