Page 90 of Forever Broken
“Gonna come soon, babe. Can’t help it,” Paul groaned as his lover pounded into him.
“I am close as well. Close to filling you with my cum.” Laurent’s eyes gleamed and his fangs were fully extended. Suddenly Paul knew what he needed to make their lovemaking complete. “Bite me.” He arched his neck, exposing his throat to his lover’s fangs. “Do it when you come—when we both come.”
“Are you sure?” Laurent looked doubtful. “You already gave me blood earlier.”
“Fucking do it!” Paul demanded. “Want to feel your fangs and cock in me at the same time. Feel you in me everywhere.”
“Very well.” With a final lunge, Laurent thrust hard and deep into Paul’s body. At the same time, he gathered Paul to him and struck, his needle-sharp fangs sinking into the tender, vulnerable flesh of Paul’s throat.
Paul gasped at the sweet pleasure-pain of the double penetration. He felt opened as he never had before and closer to Laurent than he had ever felt to anyone in his life. His back arched and his cock pulsed in Laurent’s fist, spurting at the exact moment he felt the other man’s shaft filling him with cum.
That’s right, babe. Fill me up. Fuck me, take me—make me yours. Even if we can never be together again I’ll never forget this. Never forget how much I love you, how much I love having you inside me.
So beautiful when you open for me. So perfect when you let me fill you, mon amour . I will love you always, even if you feel that we have to be apart. I will never forget the gift you have given me. The gift of yourself.
Paul heard the words loud and clear and not with his ears. His eyes, which had been clenched shut with pleasure, flew open. “Wait a minute. What did…did you just say something?”
Laurent pulled his mouth away from Paul’s throat, his lips still slightly red. “I said nothing. I was drinking from you.”
“But I thought I heard…you were saying that I was uh, beautiful and that you would never forget the gift I was giving you.”
Laurent’s eyes widened. “I did not say that…but I did think it.” I love you, mon amour .
I love you too, Paul sent back automatically. For a long moment both of them froze, looking at each other.
Is it…can it be? Laurent was obviously afraid to hope. Paul felt the same way but he couldn’t help himself—still, he tried to be cautious.
“I don’t know,” he said aloud. “Let me…” Closing his eyes, he felt inside himself, probing carefully in the spot where he and Laurent had been joined for such a brief, beautiful time. He found the silver tree at once—Laurent’s half of the bond—but at first he could find no evidence of his own golden tree, which he had uprooted and destroyed earlier.
Then he saw it.
In his mind’s eye he saw a tiny golden sprout. It looked more like a vine than a tree and it was so slender and vulnerable it nearly took his breath away. It grew out of the ground of his heart, from the empty pit where his half of the bond had been before he had killed it. Grew and curled and reached out until just the tiny, threadlike tip of it was wrapped carefully around one of the roots of the silver tree.
Their bond was restored.
Paul opened his eyes and could tell from the expression on Laurent’s face that his lover had seen the same thing.
“I do not believe it,” Laurent breathed. “The bond…it’s growing again. It is still tiny and fragile but it will grow.”
“You better fucking believe it’s gonna grow.” Paul pulled him down and kissed him hard on the mouth. “It’s going to grow because we’re never getting separated again.”
Laurent’s face was radiant. “I would like that, mon amour. I never wanted us to go our separate ways in the first place.”
“Me either,” Paul admitted. “But I thought it wouldn’t be fair to you to ask you to stay.”
“And I thought you didn’t wish to be with me anymore and deal with the frustration of being bondless.”
“Crazy vampire.” Paul nipped his lover’s lush lower lip affectionately. “You should know I’d put up with a hell of a lot more than that to be with you.”
“And I with you.” Laurent returned his kiss and smiled but there were tears in his eyes. “To think how close we came to saying goodbye. And all because we had no bond to help us communicate. All I could feel was your pain and irritation—I didn’t know you still wished to be with me despite it.”
“Well now you know. And I think we need to work on more effective communication—verbal and non- verbal, if you get what I mean.” Paul rolled his hips to remind his lover that they were still joined and Laurent groaned.