Page 76 of The Priestess and the Thief
“Roke?” she asked, looking back at him again.
“Just…” He licked his lips. “Just a few strokes then, sweetheart. Just enough to help me come in you.”
“Do what you have to do,” Ellilah whispered. And then she shifted position again, laying her head down on her folded arms and lifting her curvy little ass even higher in the air, even as she spread her legs wider for him.
The submissive posture pulled him even deeper into her sweet, sucking pussy and suddenly Roke couldn’t hold himself back any longer. With a low roar of lust and need, he gripped her hips and pulled almost all the way out of her before pounding back into her no-longer virginal pussy so that he filled her to the hilt.
Ellilah gave a little gasp but didn’t try to pull away from him. Indeed, she opened even wider, welcoming his shaft as he drew almost all the way out and thrust deeply into her for a second stroke and then a third…a fourth…a fifth…
Gods, I’m fucking her—really fucking her, not just pretending. I shouldn’t be doing this—shouldn’t be taking her innocence, her virginity. She’s a delicate little priestess and I’m plowing into her as though she was nothing but a common whore! I can’t be doing this—I have to finish.
“Oh! Oh, Roke,” Ellilah gasped, writhing beneath him, though she made no move to get away from his punishing thrusts.
“Gods, my little priestess!” he groaned.
Guilt and pleasure overtook him at the same time as Roke drew out and took a sixth and final thrust deep into her tight pussy. Feeling himself touch bottom and the head of his cock pressing hard against the mouth of her womb, he at last began to come.
At the same time, he bit hard into his own lower lip, sinking his newly-grown fangs into his own flesh in an orgy of pain and pleasure as jet after jet of his seed filled her and his Essence—which also should have filled her—went deep into his bottom lip where it stung with impotent rage at having been misused so badly.
Inside his head, one thought repeated over and over again.
Must not bond! Havoc do not bond! I must not bond her to me! Must not bond!
But still, it was all he could do not to pull the little priestess up to her knees and sink his fangs into the side of her neck as he came inside her.
Elli bit her lip as she felt him finally truly fucking her and filling her to the hilt. His thrusts were hard and deep, as though he had been holding himself back. They hurt and felt good at the same time and she didn’t try to shy away from them. Instead, she opened herself more fully, taking the big warrior’s thick shaft as deeply into her body as she could, letting him fuck her as hard as he needed to, in order to come deep in her pussy.
To come in me but not to bond me, she thought with a trace of bitterness. He wants me, but not enough to form a bond with me. He doesn’t love me or he would want to bond.
Well, that was all right, she told herself. She didn’t need or want to bond with the big warrior—she had a life to go back to after this. She didn’t know if she could be forgiven for this night’s debauchery but she couldn’t think about that now. For now she had to give herself to the moment—give herself to Roke—and worry about the inevitable regrets she knew she would have later.
“Oh!” she gasped as he pounded into her. “Oh, Roke!”
“Gods, my little priestess!” he groaned and then she felt him give one last deep thrust and his shaft seemed to swell even thicker inside her, stretching her to the limit. She gave a little cry and then something hot was jetting deep in her pussy.
Coming, she thought deliriously as he filled her again and again. He’s coming inside me—pumping me full of his seed! Shouldn’t let him…shouldn’t do this…
But it was too late—the deed was done. And it seemed that Roke couldn’t wait for it to be over. He had barely finished coming inside her before Elli felt him pulling out. As his shaft exited her body, a hot rush followed and she felt his cream dripping down her inner thighs.
“That’s enough.” Roke’s voice in her ear was brusque, almost angry. “Come on—everyone can see that we Mirrored correctly. Now it’s time to go get cleaned up.”
“What?” Elli looked up, feeling dazed. Her body felt different—opened, used. Her legs were too weak to hold her up. When she tried to scramble off the couch, she nearly fell.
“Here.” Roke swung her into his arms, though he wouldn’t look her in the eyes. The other nobles were gathering themselves as well and the Crown Prince was gone. Elli wondered dully if he had gotten the noblewoman he’d been mounting pregnant—then she wondered if Roke had gotten her pregnant. It was rare but not completely unheard of for pregnancy to occur without bonding.