Page 55 of Raised to Kill
“Finished eating, sweetheart?” Brand asked, frowning at her plate. “You didn’t have much.”
“I find I am not very hungry tonight, husband.” Allara looked down at her plate, where there was much uneaten food. “I will try to eat more if it displeases you,” she offered.
“No, of course not, baby.” Reaching across the table, he took her hand in his big, warm one. “I think I know what the trouble is. You’re nervous about taking a bath together—is that right?”
Biting her lip, Allara nodded.
“I suppose…a little,” she admitted.
“Are you frightened that I might hurt you now that I’m allowed to touch you, baby?” he asked softly. “Because I swear to you now, I would never, ever do that.”
“I know you will not,” Allara said quickly, though her aunt’s voice in her head proclaimed it was a lie. “It is just…I have never seen you completely, er, exposed, husband. Though you have seen me several times,” she added, blushing.
“I know you haven’t, baby—I didn’t want to scare you,” he murmured, squeezing her hand. “But listen—nothing but a bath has to happen tonight if you’re feeling nervous. We can just take a dip in the pool and scrub each other’s backs if you want.”
“Truly?” Allara looked up at him uncertainly. She knew, from the way her new husband talked, how much he was looking forward to getting to touch her naked flesh with no cloth barriers in the way.
Brand nodded firmly.
“Truly, sweetheart. I never want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable and I never want to frighten you or make you feel rushed. You have all the power here—whatever you say, goes.”
His kindness made Allara’s heart overflow. How many men would be so considerate of their wives? She was sure almost none of the men of the Q’ess would. There was something different about the Kindred.
Maybe it was because they worshipped a Goddess or maybe it was because they revered women and believed they were precious and special. But for whatever reason, they seemed to care deeply for the well-being of their spouses—both physical and emotional.
“Thank you from the deepest part of my heart, husband,” she said sincerely. She was still a little nervous, but not nearly as frightened as she had been before—his words had reassured her and the knot of fear in her belly was all but melted.
Putting down her fork, she smiled at him.
“I think I am ready for our bath now.”
Brand gave her that sleepy, golden-eyed smile of his.
“In that case, I’m ready too, baby. Let’s go.”
For the first time, she would see her husband naked. Allara felt a nervous flutter in her stomach as she took off the soft, blue dress Kat had made for her, baring her body beside the steaming bathing pool.
Brand was on the other side of the pool, likewise disrobing. He had told Allara that he wanted to go into the pool first for safety’s sake.
“I don’t know how strong of a swimmer you are, baby,” he’d told her. “And the water is definitely going to be over your head.”
“I think I will be all right,” Allara said, eyeing the steaming surface of the pool uncertainly. She had never been much of a swimmer, but she could at least tread water. Or if worst came to worst, she could always hang on to the side of the pool, she reasoned.
“All right—I’m getting in now,” Brand said from behind her.
Allara realized this was his way of offering to let her see him and she almost turned around. But at the last minute, she lost her nerve and continued looking away, pretending to study the shower stall where she had done all of her washing up until now.
There was a long pause and then a splashing sound which meant her husband was in the water. Allara turned slowly, crossing her arms over her bare breasts, though she knew it was foolish. He had, after all, seen her body through the thin nightgowns she wore every night—seen it and stroked it with his big, warm hands. This wouldn’t be so very different.
But still, her stomach was fluttering nervously as she stepped down into the bathing pool, feeling the warm water envelope her.
Brand was at the other end of the pool, very obviously giving her space.
“Be careful, sweetheart,” he said anxiously as Allara climbed in. “That last step is pretty slip—“
And that was the last thing Allara heard before her feet slipped on the step and she plunged down as the water closed over her head.
“Allara? Allara!”
Before she could even start to panic, big, muscular arms were scooping her out of the water and she was being pulled close to Brand’s broad chest.
“Baby?” He looked down at her anxiously. “Are you all right?”
“I think so.” Allara sputtered and pushed her wet hair out of her eyes. “Thank you for coming to save me so quickly, husband,” she said, swiping at her eyes.