Page 47 of Healing Her Patient
“Maybe we can have lunch together,” she said and glanced at Navii, who was waiting patiently for her. “Is that something you do? Husbands and wives having lunch together?”
“I am afraid not, my dear friend,” Navii said gently. “We generally just pluck a piece of fruit for our Midday meal and keep working. But you will see the other half of your heart at the feast tonight.”
“Not until tonight? I won’t see him again until then?” Danni asked plaintively.
Then she realized that she sounded like a love-struck teenager. What was wrong with her? Bravik was just her coworker and friend—she shouldn’t be getting all worked up about not seeing him for a few hours.
“Uh, sorry,” she said, ducking her head. “I just…I know it sounds crazy but I feel…really uncomfortable about leaving you.” She glanced up at the big Kindred, hoping he wouldn’t be put off by her words.
But Bravik was staring down at her with the same intensity she was feeling towards him.
“Not crazy at all, little girl,” he rumbled. “I feel the same way about you—I don’t want to leave you alone. What if something happens and you need me? What if you get hurt somehow?”
Danni had the exact same thought—which was why she’d surreptitiously slipped a mini cauterizer into the pocket of her dress that morning. After all, Bravik was going to be using cleavers and knives and who knew what else during the butchering today. What if one of them slipped and cut him? She wanted to be prepared if there was an emergency.
“I assure you, Friend Bravik, that the other half of your heart will be well and safe in the Communal Kitchen.” Navii broke into her thoughts, sounding amused. “We are making bread today—not fighting a wild otakk. You may kiss her goodbye with confidence that you will see her soon again.”
Danni bit her lip.
“I…I guess maybe you should kiss me goodbye,” she murmured to Bravik.
“I guess I should.” His deep voice was a soft growl. Bending down, he pulled Danni closer and took her mouth in a long, lingering kiss that set her heart pounding like a drum.
Hardly knowing what she was doing, Danni wound her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. His mouth tasted of hot cinnamon and the sweet fruit he’d eaten for breakfast and she just couldn’t get enough of him.
At last, very reluctantly it seemed, Bravik broke the kiss and pulled back.
“Be safe, Danielle,” he murmured seriously. “If you need me, you know where to find me.”
“I know…” Danni suddenly felt as though she might cry. She knew it was irrational but she felt as though she was losing him for months instead of just a few hours.
But he’s just a friend—just a coworker and we’re only acting like we’re madly in love to please the H’rakens, she reminded herself sternly. So what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?
She had no answers, just an unwillingness to be parted from the big Kindred that didn’t make any sense.
“Goodbye, Bravik,” she made herself say and then she forced herself to take a step away, breaking contact with him for the first time since they’d put their arms around each other before leaving the bedroom.
“Have fun making bread,” Bravik told her. He looked as though he wanted to reach for her again, but Danni saw him fist his big hands at his sides, as though holding himself back.
“Have fun, uh, butchering things,” she replied, trying to laugh.
Bravik gave her a little half-smile and finally turned to go. As she watched his broad back, Danni suddenly felt as though she might burst into tears. Gracious, what in the world was wrong with her?
“All right,” she said, lifting her chin and forcing herself to look away from the big Kindred’s retreating form. “Let’s…let’s go make bread.”
“I know how you’re feeling.” Navii linked an arm through hers and gave her a friendly squeeze.
“You do?” Danni looked at her uncertainly.
“Yes—as though you cannot bear the thought of parting with your one,” Navii said. “It is the same way we all feel when we leave the other part of our hearts in the morning and go off to do what must be done. It is the reason our reunions at the end of each day are so joyous.”
“Is…is it, I mean, does it have something to do with the Mother Stone?” Danni asked, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.
“It does.” Danni nodded. “When the Mother Stone matches two hearts with her power, they find it exceedingly difficult to separate. Of course, the feeling is most intense when two people are first Joined—that is why we give our newly Joined couples at least a week together, free of any communal duties.” She sighed. “Ah, my own dear Yolii must soon be Joined to the one the Mother Stone brings to her. Then she will move into her own house and I shall miss her sadly.”