Page 5 of Healing Her Patient
Instead, he was sharing this mission with a curvy, mature Elite that smelled so good it made Brav wish he could wear nose plugs so he wouldn’t get distracted by her delicious scent.
It was going to be one hell of a mission.
“This is going to be one hell of an interesting mission,” Danni said to herself as she entered the Docking Bay.
It was a vast, echoing area where thousands of Kindred Ships were parked but she knew exactly where to go. Commander Sylvan had given her a small map with the docking space of the ship she would be sharing with Commander Bravik. She followed it and—sure enough—there was the long-range shuttle with the big Kindred standing just outside.
Bravik’s face was like a thundercloud. His short beard, streaked with silver, and broad, hunched shoulders made him look like a professional wrestler who was about to jump into the ring and kick the crap out of his opponent.
Hope he doesn’t think of me as that opponent, Danni thought to herself as she drew nearer.
But then she lifted her chin and pushed her worries away. She wasn’t going to let the big Kindred intimidate her and ruin this wonderful, exciting opportunity to study a brand-new culture first hand! And no matter what he said about following his lead, she bet that the minute they got on Soluu Four, she would be able to do her own thing with minimal resistance.
I’ll just make myself scarce, she thought. He’s such a self-important asshole he probably won’t even miss me!
But for now, she would be diplomatic. After all, she hadn’t gotten as far as she had in her chosen fields—both male dominated—without learning how to deal with fragile male egos.
“Hello, Commander Bravik,” she greeted him pleasantly, when she was within talking distance. “It’s a beautiful day for our mission. I hope I’m not late.”
He didn’t even try to be pleasant in return.
“Get in,” he growled, pointing to the open door of the shuttle. “Store your gear in the back and buckle yourself in.”
“Well, hello to you, too,” Danni said, nettled.
Bravik just grunted, apparently immune to sarcasm.
Irritated, she climbed into the shuttle and stowed the small carry-all cube she’d brought in the back. She hadn’t brought much—they had been informed that the H’rakens would provide “culturally appropriate” clothing for them when they got there, so she mostly just had her notes and the fertility sculpture.
Climbing into the passenger side seat of the shuttle, she attempted to buckle herself into the harness. But it wasn’t like a regular seatbelt in a car. It had straps and buckles everywhere and every time she attempted to hook one of the straps into the central buckle, it didn’t quite fit.
“Here.” It was Bravik again, leaning over her.
Danni gave a little gasp and sat back against the seat as he began manhandling her into the harness with quick, professional movements.
“Um…thank you,” she managed to get out. She hadn’t been this close to him before and it felt a little bit like a wild animal—a bear maybe—had suddenly invaded her personal space. He was so big and so warm she could feel the heat radiating from his olive skin.
Also, she could smell him—a dark, spicy scent that was extremely attractive. It made her think of campfire smoke and leather and some exotic but undeniably masculine spice.
The scent of his skin was so good, it almost made her want to lean forward and press her nose to the side of his neck as he belted her in place. Which was a crazy thought, Danni told herself. The man was wholly unpleasant—she should not be finding anything about him attractive—not even his scent.
“Thank you,” she said again as he finished, since he hadn’t acknowledged her thanks the first time. “This is my first time in a long-range shuttle—these harnesses are tricky.”
Instead of accepting her thanks, Bravik glared at her.
“You shouldn’t be going on a fucking first-contact mission if you can’t even buckle yourself in the fucking seat,” he rumbled, his low voice filled with contempt as he pulled the last strap tight.
Danni glared right back at him. Since he was still bending over her, they were practically eye-to-eye but she didn’t let that stop her.
“Listen, are you going to be an asshole this entire mission? I’d just like to know now, so I can know what to expect,” she said shortly.
“I’m not trying to be an asshole,” Bravik growled. “Just stating a fact. If you’d rather not come because you don’t like my attitude, that’s fine with me. You can get out right here, little girl—if you can unstrap yourself, that is,” he added, nodding at the harness.
“Why, you…I am not your little girl,” Danni snapped. “I am a grown, professional woman and you may refer to me as Dr. Adams. I expect you to show me the same level of respect you’d give to any male colleague, Commander Bravik.”