Page 61 of Healing Her Patient
“Ohhhh!” Danielle moaned softly as he found the tender little button of her clit and began to circle it slowly. It didn’t work to rush a female like Danielle—she was a bit of a slow starter, he thought. But once she got worked up to fever pitch, she was all heat and need and action.
She writhed against his hand as he continued to stroke around and around her clit while he alternated between kissing her mouth and sucking her ripe nipples. Brav could feel himself throbbing as she moaned his name and worked her hips against his invading finger. He still hadn’t entered her fully yet, but he could tell she would be ready soon…
“Oh…oh, Bravik,” she panted, writhing against his hand. “I…I think if you really…really want to, uh, taste me, I’m ready.”
“Just what I wanted to hear, little girl.” Brav’s cock surged again. He gave her a final kiss and then tapped the couch with his free hand, murmuring, “Chair.”
The sand seemed to know exactly what he needed. Without displacing Danielle in any way, it flowed back to its previous position of a reclined easy chair with a split platform for her legs. A seat for Brav formed between them as well, putting him at the perfect height to reach her pussy with his mouth.
As he got into position, Danielle looked down at him, nibbling her lower lip. Despite her obvious arousal, Brav saw the uncertainty in her lovely eyes and knew that he couldn’t just dive in.
“Easy, little girl,” he murmured, running his hands up and down her thighs, warming her up and calming her down at the same time. “Slowly, all right?”
“All…all right,” she whispered, nodding her head.
“Good.” And Brav leaned down to kiss the sensitive underside of her right knee.
He took his time, licking and kissing from her knee to her inner thigh and then he started on the other leg. He spent some time teasing her, lapping gently at the crease where her thigh met her body on either side, but never quite touching her pussy, which was open and exposed for him now.
Danielle started shifting in the sand chair, her hips making tentative little thrusting motions as though she was wondering what was taking him so long. Brav smothered a smile. He wasn’t going to taste her until she was ready—and he would know when she was. She was almost there…
“Bravik?” she said at last, a plaintive note in her voice. “I…I thought you wanted to, you know…”
“Taste your soft, sweet little pussy?” Brav growled softly, looking up at her.
Biting her lower lip, she nodded.
“And are you ready to let me taste you now, baby?” he murmured, lifting an eyebrow. “Ready to let me fuck you with my tongue?”
“I…I think so,” she whispered, her voice soft and needful.
“Let me see if I think you’re ready, little girl” Brav growled.
Leaning down again, he began to kiss the top of her pussy mound. She was bare here—apparently having waxed or shaved before leaving the Mother Ship and Brav found he liked it. He kissed and lapped her soft little mound and then ducked down to do the same to her outer pussy lips. Her warm, feminine scent was sweet and strong here—it made him almost dizzy with lust to inhale her intimate fragrance.
Danielle moaned softly and bucked her hips in mute pleading as he sucked first one outer lip, and then the other into his mouth, tugging very gently but still avoiding her inner folds. He wanted her absolutely crazy for him when he finally lapped her clit and thrust his tongue deep in her channel. He wanted the little Earth female moaning and begging—then he would know she was ready to open completely.
“Bravik!” she moaned and the impatient note was back in her voice. Her hips were twisting helplessly now and her pulse was so rapid it was almost a blur to his sensitive Kindred hearing. “Please—you’re driving me crazy!”
“Please what, little girl?” He looked up at her, giving her a teasing smile. “Please spread your soft little pussy wide and lap your hot little clit?”
“Yes!” she exclaimed and reached for his head.
Brav growled in delight as she tangled her little fingers in his hair and pulled him forward. He went willingly, letting her guide him, letting her put him exactly where she needed him most.
His mouth landed directly on the throbbing button of her clit and he began circling it with his tongue at once.
“Oh…Oh!” Danielle gasped, her hips bucking forward eagerly. “Oh Bravik, please—I’m already so close!”
You’re gonna get a hell of a lot closer before I let you come, Brav thought, but didn’t say. Instead, he ducked lower, spreading her thighs wide to slip his tongue deep in her tight little channel.
Danielle moaned in a mixture of pleasure and frustration as he tasted her honey right from the source. Gods, she was fucking delicious! Hot and salty and sweet and Brav loved the feeling of her soft little pussy quivering under his tongue, right on the brink of orgasm.