Page 90 of Healing Her Patient
“No, of course not—that’s not what I meant!” Bravik ran a hand through his thick black hair again. “Look, are you really pregnant?”
“I can’t be!” Danni exclaimed. “It must be a false positive.”
“I don’t think so.” Liv had been standing quietly in a corner while Danni and Bravik fought. Now she came forward with something cupped in her hands. “I ran the test again while you two were…er, talking about old times,” she said to Danni. “Just to be sure. And look—we got the exact same results.”
She opened her hand, showing two new perfect blue flowers with the same striped patterns as the first two.
“Boys?” Bravik breathed. “Sons?” He looked at Danni, his golden-bronze eyes shining. “You’re carrying my sons?”
“No! I can’t be!” Danni was beginning to feel panicked. “This is crazy—I don’t remember any of this! I don’t—”
Suddenly the small hematology lab filled with an overpowering feminine presence. A warm, powerful voice spoke in Danni’s ear.
“Daughter,” it said, “Remember.”
In an instant, everything she’d seen and done and most importantly felt in the two weeks she’d spent on Soluu Four came rushing back to Danni. She remembered the H’rakens and the Riivers and the Mother Stone with its pink radiation. And she remembered spending hours in Bravik’s arms, loving him as they healed each other, missing him when he was gone, never, ever wanting to be without him…
“Oh, Bravik!” she gasped, throwing herself into his arms. “Oh, why didn’t you remind me before? I can’t believe I forgot how much I love you! Can you ever forgive me?”
“Are you really back, little girl?” He looked at her anxiously, scanning her face as though to be certain she was telling the truth. “You remember Soluu Four?” And then he sent through their mental link, “You remember being bonded?”
“Of course I remember,” Danni sent back, using their new link to communicate for the first time. “What I don’t understand is how I ever forgot in the first place!”
And then she was kissing him and Bravik was kissing her back and both of them were crying for joy and Olivia was dabbing at her eyes as well, at their belated but oh-so happy reunion.
“I guess you really did heal me during all those, er, sessions with the Mother Stone,” Danni said, pulling back at last. She could feel her cheeks getting hot when she remembered exactly what the healing sessions had entailed.
“I guess I did, if you’re really pregnant,” Bravik said, grinning.
“Oh, she really is,” Liv said dryly. “You ought to hear the things she’s been eating lately. Garlic hummus on apple pie? Ugh!” She made a face and laughed.
“It tastes really good,” Danni protested, laughing too. “But nothing is as good as being back with the other half of my heart again.” She snuggled against Bravik, who held her tight, as though he couldn’t get her close enough.
“Little girl,” he murmured. “I’ve missed you so damn much these last two weeks.”
“And I’ve been perfectly horrible to you,” Danni said, frowning. “I feel terrible about it. I somehow got it into my head that you were just a big jerk!”
“That was my own fault. I acted like a jerk when we first met and that was all you remembered when you lost your memories of Soluu Four,” he said. “Don’t worry about it, baby—we’ve got the rest of our lives to make it up to each other.”
“Yes, and the two of you probably have at least twenty more years than you would have if you hadn’t gone to Soluu Four,” Liv pointed out. She frowned thoughtfully. “Maybe that’s why the Goddess had you go in the first place, Danielle. That and to regrow your womb—how did that happen, anyway?”
“Oh, it’s, uh, kind of a long story,” Danni said, blushing again. “But you can read all about it in my paper. Now that I can remember everything, I am definitely writing one.”
“I can think of a better way to pass the time than writing papers, little girl,” Bravik growled softly, leaning down to kiss her. “A hell of a lot better, in fact.”
“Um, Liv…” Danni looked at her friend. “I think I’m going to take you up on that offer you made earlier to leave early, okay? I think I need some time to reconnect with my new husband.”
Liv smothered a smile.
“Go on, you two,” she said and dropped the two sets of little blue flowers into Danni’s hand. “And take tomorrow off, too. I think you’ve got some lost time to make up for.”
“I think you’re right,” Danni said, smiling. Turning to Bravik, she snuggled against the big warrior. “Come on—let’s go. Your suite or mine?”
“Whichever one is closer, little girl.” Bravik swung her up into his arms. “Can’t wait to bond you to me all over again.”
Danni laughed and rubbed her cheek against his broad shoulder as she breathed in his warm, familiar scent. She thought of the fertility symbol that had come to her from Soluu Four and the wish that she’d made on it, what felt like a lifetime ago.