Page 25 of His Fire Inside
The doorbell goes off. “That will be Christopher with two men to start the work on the kitchen. They are certain it will be done in a few days.”
I’m sore and lazy. I tell Cheryl I’ll be in my room reading, and she nods. I jump when my phone rings. It’s Rourke. Air catches in my chest as I snatch it up to answer. “Hey.” God, I’m so pathetic the word is more an exhalation of air than anything.
“Hey, I was just calling to check on you. How are you feeling?”
I’m so red in the face I’m dizzy. I land on my back on my bed with a smile I can’t take off my face. “Hmm...are you calling to get a score or compliments? My, my, how rude of you, Rourke Vega.”
He laughs; the sound goes right to my chest, and it swells until I can’t breathe. “I was checking on how sore you are. I’m actually trying to be thoughtful. Now I’m not sure why I bothered.” He ends in a harassed mutter.
“Oh, well in that case I won’t mention I’m feeling amazing because you were amazing, and awesome, and if I were forced to score on a scale of one and ten then you’d be like a twenty.” His chuckle sends a shiver down my spine. “And you bothered because you’re such a good boy and your mother raised you right. For the record, I am sore but I don’t expect to be by tonight.”
“Damn it, I knew it. I shouldn’t have—”
“Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare go wishing you’d done anything differently, because I don’t. I’m a good sore, the kind of sore where when I shift just right, I swear I can still feel you inside me. It reminds me of how perfectly you fit inside me and how I can’t wait for you to be back inside me again.”
“Christ, Olivia.” He hisses in my ear, and I can’t fight the giggle that comes out of me knowing I’ve turned him on. “I’m going to make you pay tonight, know that now.”
“I can’t wait.”
“That’s what you think, you smart-ass. I have to go. Tonight, you’d better be waiting in my bed.”
“Yes, sir. Whatever you say, sir.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” Then he’s gone.
Clutching my phone to my chest, I roll over and squeal in happiness into my bed. Rourke called me to check on me. Mr. “I don’t do tomorrows, only nights,” called me because he was concerned about me even though it was clear he was in the middle of a crowd, there were voices in the background. It’s a little after noon, so he probably snuck away from a lunch to call me. Closing my eyes, I can’t keep the smile off my face as I recall the sound of his laughter. Like it had the first time, my whole body shivers with a warm glow of answering happiness. I made Rourke laugh; I could get addicted to that sound.
A text comes through, excitedly I sit up to check it. It’s from my sister cancelling our lunch tomorrow. All of the happiness inside me dies. The text is brief, Larry was working from home now so since we didn’t really get along it was best if we rescheduled. She’d text me later when she knew his schedule. I blink back tears. As an insurance agent he could work anywhere but he’s had his own office for years. Why is he working from home now? With her vague rescheduling it means she’s stalling. I haven’t seen her now in over a month. Will it be another month or even two before I see her again? Wiping my tears away I shake my head. I swallow everything I want to say and just respond back with a simple, Okay, let me know what works for you. Love you.
There’s no response. Taking a deep breath, I fall back on the bed again and close my eyes. Larry working from home makes absolutely no sense, unless it was about him keeping my sister under control. I toss my phone away to keep myself from texting everything I really want to, to my sister. For one, he’s right there and for another she hasn’t said a single tangible thing against him, until she does I have to shut up and support her.
Another deep breath as I shake my head, it’s crazy how you can go from your highest high to your lowest low in a matter of minutes. Turning onto my side, I hug a pillow close and think of last night, of this morning and slip into sleep.
I bite out the words in response to the question. My employee flinches before turning away. I’m done. This night has lasted too long already I check my watch. I was supposed to get out early, but it’s already eleven thirty. It doesn’t matter the night has just started for many of the people in my hotel, Olivia is waiting for me in my bed. My whole body goes tight with anticipation.
I’m almost out of the building when a hand on my arm stops me. Jenny Masters, reigning It Girl and former lover from two festivals ago. “Where are you going? Care to make it a private party?”
“No, thank you. I’m otherwise involved and running late. Have a good night.” I can feel her eyes burning into me as I keep moving. I’m sure it doesn’t happen to her often. I’m also sure she’ll find someone else within an hour.
The drive home is made in record time. When I open the door to my room Olivia is there in the middle of the bed, wrapped in the silky robe from last night which makes it clear she’s nude. “Take off your robe. I love seeing your body.”
I pull off my jacket and toss it in the direction of a chair in the corner. My tie follows. I’m unbuttoning my shirt when she does as I command with a blush I watch bloom down her neck. The sight of her beautiful body on display for me has me catching my breath. Fuck.
I don’t know if I’ll ever stop being in awe of her beauty, in awe she has gifted me with it, allowed me to worship at the altar of her. Oh, the witch, she stretches her legs open for me as one of her hands slides down to her sweet pussy, to the slick slit of her. I love how she revels in my adoration of her body, gone are the shadows of doubt. She knows what she does to me.
I’ve been so hungry for her all day, I’m not sure I trust myself to make this last long and give her everything she deserves. “I love how wet you are already, sweetling. Touch yourself, I want to watch you come for me.”
Her eyes widen even as her breasts rise and fall at her caught breath. She closes her eyes as her fingers slip inside her. “No, eyes open, on me.”
With a sigh her eyes open; melting chocolate, soft and sweet, meets mine. I push off my pants and underwear. I savor the sigh from her as she sees me naked. Leaning against a bedpost at the foot of the bed, “Open your legs wide, show me what’s mine.”
“Rourke.” She moans as she squirms.
Shaking my head, I smile. “Not yet. Show me, Olivia. Let me watch you touch the sweetest pussy I have ever known. Make me the sweetest come to ever flood my tongue. Yes, that’s it.” I urge her on as her fingers begin moving inside her. “Tell me, sweetheart, what are you thinking of to make you come? What is making your pussy wet?”