Page 2 of His Sweetest Sin
“Ms. Bishop, don’t go ruining the moment by lying to me. You aren’t sorry about a damn thing, sugar, and that’s all right by me. I loved it. It’s damn rare for a woman to call me a dumbass, especially when she already looked at me like she wanted to lick me like I’m a melting ice cream cone on a Texas summer day.” I blush to my belly button. Holy crap, I cannot believe what he is saying. “I recognized the look, as I’m pretty sure I was staring at your fine round ass the same way.” He did not just wink at me. Then he leans forward, his damn dimples on display. “On second thought, I don’t think I want to wait until Friday. Let’s get out of here and get us some ice cream.”
I’m so stunned I can’t even think. Oh my god, I had no idea dimples and a slow Southern drawl were killers of brain cells. Shaking my head, it doesn’t clear any quicker. “No, I’m sorry. I can’t. It wouldn’t be appropriate. You’re a client, as your attorney I’m not allowed—”
He shrugs. “All right then. You’re fired. I’ll wait unt
il Ethan comes back.”
Asshole. “You can’t do that.”
“Ms. Bishop, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Since you want to hide behind being my lawyer, then I’ll take it out of the equation.”
“I’m not hiding behind anything. It’s called a conflict of interest and could get me suspended by the bar. And I can do whatever the fuck I want, too. Mr. Baldwin, if you fire me then there is absolutely no reason for me to ever see you again.” Two can play this game.
His mouth quirks up, except it’s clear he is not happy. There is no sign of his dimples, which is good, I don’t miss them at all. I really don’t. “Ms. Bishop, you want to play that way, fine. Once Ethan is back, though, we’ll have this discussion again.”
Ethan’s phone beeps, and I hit the button for the intercom. “Yes?”
“Michael Seaton is here. I put him in the Adams conference room.”
“Thank you, Mary.” Shaking my head, I meet his eyes and fuck me, I’m trapped in swirling blue. “I’m flattered. It’s just, I’m not a stripper. Not that there is anything wrong with strippers. I’m also not interested in casual sex, which is the only sex you seem to have. As far as I’m concerned there is no equation—you and I would be a negative sum.”
The last thing I expect is for him to throw back his head and laugh. It annoys the hell out of me the way his rich, husky laughter sends warm heat flowing through me. “Amelia.” He says my name slowly, like he’s savoring every letter. I fight not to shiver. “I do believe this is going to be so damn fun. The reason I fuck strippers is because they have curves and instead of bitching about them, they embrace them. You have the kind of curves that should come with a warning sign—your body makes my cock ache. I don’t see the shame in admitting it.
I don’t get why casual is a bad word. We have some fun, we see where things go. Life is too short not to enjoy the best parts. You get the suit written up and I’ll see you real soon.” He stands, and dear lord, he’s so tall and powerfully built. Then he walks away. Wow, you could bounce a quarter off his ass.
It’s a promise, not just his words but the hunger in his eyes. Holy fuck. Me. Chris Baldwin, the baddest boy in baseball, wants me. Amelia Bishop, fat, broken, and maybe a solid seven on a good day before I put on the weight, but now...hold on, he likes my body? I made his cock hard. Seriously?
The phone buzzes again. Shit. “I’m coming, Mary.” I don’t have time to get all gooey about a guy who, no matter how hot he is, is completely off-limits. Not just because he’s a client—his casual attitude about sex isn’t something I can handle. Besides, I’d disappoint him so quickly he would run for the nearest exit. With a sigh, I shut down Ethan’s computer before going to deal with the very uncomplicated Michael Seaton.
Walking away from Amelia Bishop isn’t easy, not least on account of my cock is still hard from the sight of her. Damn, finding her bent over the filing cabinet with her sweet round ass at the perfect level for me to step behind her...shit, just like when I saw her my cock jumps. To keep from embarrassing myself I said something I can’t even remember to get her to stand up. Then she turned and, fuck, she made my whole body hard.
She has dangerous curves, a lush body a man could get lost in for days. I was already lost when my eyes met hers, hazel eyes flared a bright green for a moment before she blinked, then the green was gone, replaced by a shimmering mix of toffee and moss. I’m going to see the green again, I’ll make sure of it.
Her wide, soft mouth opened in astonishment when she saw me, and all I thought of was fitting my cock between the perfect O of those lips. It didn’t take long before her small, gently pointed chin came up in defiance. All of her features are classic, from her thin small nose, to her high cheekbones, and her oval face a perfect cameo. A beautiful face and a body to die for, then she opened her mouth with her smart-ass remarks and I was sold. Whatever the price, I’m buying.
I stop at the reception desk in front of the elevators. A peroxide blonde is smiling before I even get within ten feet. She hadn’t been here when I came in. As pretty as she thinks she is, she pales in comparison to the hottest piece of ass I’ve laid my eyes on in a long damn time. Amelia Bishop...the thought of her is making my cock hard all over again. “Hey there, sweetie. How are you doing today?”
She giggles as she leans forward to push her breasts out, “I’m awesome. How are you doing today, Mr. Baldwin? Did you have a good New Year?”
“I did, I did. Thank you for asking. One thing though, I forgot to ask Miss Bishop something, it is “miss,” isn’t it? She’s not married, is she?”
Her laughter is mean. “No, just to her job and cheesecake.”
Keeping the smile on my face isn’t easy. “She was going into a meeting, I don’t want to disturb her. Where is her office and her secretary?”
“She’s in the opposite corner from her brother’s office. Is there anything I can help you with?” The invitation drips with sexual intent.
“No, thank you. You know, you look really familiar. Do you dance at Raoul’s?” I name a strip club with the clientele and dancers both so bottom of the barrel a person probably got an STI walking through the door. Her outrage turns her bright red. “No? Sorry, you had a look about you. You have a nice day, sweetie.”
I walk down the hallway without encountering Amelia, which was the hope. Leaving first gave her a head start to get wherever she needed to go. When I round the corner, I see while most of the offices along the outside, with the big windows and glass-fronted offices, are full, many of the cubicles in the center are empty.
This corner office isn’t quite as big as Ethan’s, but it’s still impressive. The woman in front of it is one of those classic beauties who could be anywhere between forty and sixty. Her gray hair gives her a regal appearance. She smiles as I approach her. Her brown eyes are as warm as her smile, and the lie I’d been planning dies on my lips. “Hi, gorgeous, I’m going to throw myself on your mercy. I met your boss and she’s got me twisted seven ways to Sunday. She’s also being an obstinate mule on account of my reputation, which I will admit has been earned, with me enjoying every minute of it. None of that changes my having a mind to get to know her better. You willing to help me out?”
Her laughter fills the air. “My goodness, you are quite the charmer, aren’t you?” She shakes her head as she grins. “I do believe you ruffled Amelia’s feathers, which hasn’t happened in a very long time. Hmm...I’m not sure if I should or not. While Amelia is long overdue for fun in her life, your reputation does proceed you by a mile, young man.”