Page 44 of His Sweetest Sin
Which she was going to be by the way, she tossed at me as she pulled me down to her. I loved her sassy mouth as she whispered, at least if we fought we would find out what makeup sex was like. I laugh just thinking of the her glowing green eyes. She was present and accounted for every day, not lost in the pages of a book.
When she opened her gift, she was confused. I felt like an idiot as I realized she didn’t know what it meant, about spring training in Phoenix. The change that came over her as I told her caused happiness to balloon inside me until I thought it would burst as she told me she’d take me any way I would give myself to her.
Maybe this won’t all go sideways and fucked up. Maybe the sweetest sin I’ve ever committed would be the best thing I’ve ever done.
I’m in the walk-in closet trying to decide what to take. Even in February Phoenix is hot. I can’t even remember what dressing for warm weather includes. Okay, definitely some sundresses. Chris likes the easy access of dresses, as I learned from the bag he packed for me to go to Greece. I was surprised then by how many things fit me that I hadn’t worn in a while. Out of curiosity, I try on a clingy size fourteen dress. It fits. I’m not uncomfortable, it isn’t too tight, it fits just right.
I run downstairs to find Chris in the office at his desk. “Chris!”
He looks up from his laptop. “What, sugar?”
“Look.” I twirl.
A half smile flashes a dimple. “As I tell you every day, you’re beautiful. I’m not sure how today is any different. Is it a new dress? Not bad, a little too sexy for you to be allowed far from me in it.”
Laughter bubbles out of me. He does tell me every day I’m beautiful. Sometimes he whispers it as he kisses me awake, sometimes it’s when he makes me give him a kiss before he lets go of my coffee, sometimes it’s when he holds me tight as we watch television. Every time his sincerity is in his eyes, his kiss, the way he holds me close. Every time he says it, I feel it to my toes, right to my heart. I hold out my hand to him and he’s up, taking it, pulling me against him. “I was happy because I realized I went down a size, then you make me happy by reminding me it doesn’t matter what the size my dress is. I’m so lucky you are such an arrogant asshole who knows me better than I know myself. Thank you.”
His hands go to my ass and he cups me, squeezing, molding, and caressing it the way he loves to do. “You’re welcome. Care to thank me with more than words?”
I nod with a smile as I pull him down to me.
The next day Chris is silent, serious. It worries me until he puts his fork down over breakfast.
“I know I’m probably going to mess this up, but I need to say it. I like your body the way I found you. Over the past few weeks I’ve noticed the changes in your body. They aren’t huge, but they are visible. I don’t want you to change. I don’t want you counting calories and eating salads and trying to become something different.”
It’s crazy how well he knows me. Last night I plotted ways to keep losing weight while daydreaming of making it back to a size eight. “Honestly, yes, I had plans of trying to get back to the dress size I was before I gained my weight. Then I woke up this morning knowing I didn’t want to go back to the stress of it all over again.
“I’ll probably still lose a little weight because of you, the only thing I’ve really done different is eating better with the food you cook. I finally fell in love with myself. I like her. I don’t want to change her.”
His relief is clear. “Good. I don’t want her to change either.”
Chris and I travel at the crack of dawn to Phoenix. He’s renting a house in Scottsdale, only twenty minutes from where they practice and play. We get a c
ab to the house. Chris arranged for a rental Mercedes for us to drive while we are here. It will be delivered tomorrow. He was seriously going to rent a Ferrari until he remembered his cousin and her husband, as well as Catherine, will be coming to stay with us.
I’m scared spitless about meeting Catherine; my tummy’s flipping constantly just thinking of it. Chris laughed, telling me Catherine already liked me. When I asked how he knew that, he said because he did. I love when he’s silly.
The house is huge. Wow. “Chris, why in the world did you rent something this big?”
“I wasn’t sure if Catherine would be coming at the same time as Regina and Travis, and I like my space. It’s not too big.”
Unlocking the door, he thanks the cabbie while I explore. “Not that big? It’s huge.” I gasp. “A pool?” I run for the back. Holy crap, it’s not just a sliding door the door folds closed so it becomes one huge space. “I don’t have a swimsuit.”
Chris catches me around the waist. “Good, you aren’t allowed to wear one anyway.” Then he picks me up and tosses me in the water. I’m going to kill him. I break the surface as he dives in beside me.
He catches me below the water, pulling me to him. Hmm...he took the time to undress. I’ll kill him later. Turning me to face him, he drags me over his body until I’m lying on him as he swims us toward the shallow end. His body is just fucking perfect. I shiver as he tugs at my panties; the water is cool and I’m so hot. I cling to his neck as he stands, my legs wrapping around him. Our bodies align perfectly, and his cock slips inside me. Every time, every single time his first stroke is the best. Every time I want to thank him for this feeling, this moment, for him.
We’re on the stairs in the shallow end. I’m astride him in a way he’s never allowed me to be. We are so doing this again. Between his hot body against me, his hot cock inside me, and the cool water around me, I’m overwhelmed by the different sensations. His hands on my hips, hard and tight, bring me down him over and over. My hands on his chest help me push down on him, more, deeper, don’t stop. I crash hard into my climax with a scream. Chris yanks me down to him, his mouth crushing mine, taking everything as he keeps moving inside me, drawing out my orgasm, spinning me, faster, it’s too much. And then it’s perfect when he comes hot and thick inside me. This moment, every time, just like this. This ecstasy, this perfection is ours alone, his and mine, when we become one.