Page 28 of Rafael's Woman
“Hi, Carrie, I hate to bother you.”
“Linda, you know you’re no bother. I thought you and Dick were leaving for the cruise today.”
“We were supposed to, only Dick fell down the stairs yesterday. Oh, he’s fine, more or less but his back is done in and he broke his wrist. Now he’s going to be off work for more than a month and so close to Christmas. I was hoping I could work on Thanksgiving and the day after. As Mr. Castillo declares both days a holiday then I could get time and a half. Also, you have been so kind to work with me on just working part-time and I would appreciate being able to pick up more hours.”
“I’m sorry to hear about Dick but glad it wasn’t as bad as it could have been and of course if you want to work more hours you can. As for Thanksgiving that will work out just fine, I’m salary so I don’t get paid hourly. I was just working to give you and Oliver some time off.”
“Thank you so much Carrie, you are such a sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome. Let me know if you need anything else, okay.’
“I will.”
Carrie walked her out of her office glad she could give Linda the help she so obviously needed.
That night the twins were so hyped up over going to Austin it was hard to get them to bed. So hard she had to text Rafael to give her another half hour as the twins wouldn’t settle. The twins adored Wendy and Mike, Bethany’s parents and were excited at the thought of seeing them again. They were also proud of how well they were doing in school and band. Right now they were debating taking their instruments and Carrie couldn’t take the arguing anymore.
“That’s it, no, you aren’t taking your instruments. You’re leaving them here with half of the stuff you want to take. You need some jeans, shirts and underwear, you do not need to take your uniforms or bank statements. It’s late, you still have school tomorrow. Bethany will be here when you get home so yes you want to be packed and ready to go but this is ridiculous. You two need to pack one bag and then get your butts to bed.”
Flushing from embarrassment, the twins half-heartedly argued on their instruments but quickly gave in and finally by ten thirty their light was off. Puttering around the kitchen she pulled out the documents the lawyers had sent over. Bethany could sign them tomorrow when she got here but if she did then Carrie would break down and share her worst fears and it would be a mess. Just one more month and she would know, after the holidays, she could make it until then. What she couldn’t do was have Bethany know or anyone else and not become a sobbing wreck at least once a week about how scared she was.
In a fit of determination, she had gone through her family history searching for more information but it hadn’t helped. Her mother’s great-grandmother on her mother’s side had died young at only forty-nine but without a cause given. Her mother’s father’s side had all lived long boring lives. It should have helped, Carrie wanted a long boring life but the information on the cancer showed it came from her mother’s side. What had her great-grandmother died of so young? Had it been cancer and of what? Those thoughts crowded her mind in the times when she was alone until she felt crippled by them. So many times she wanted to tell Rafael her fears, knowing he’d say the right thing, do the right thing, even if it was simply holding her. In his arms she felt safe and secure, nothing bad was going to happen when she was in his arms. Yet, she didn’t dare. She wasn’t sure if it was because she was afraid he’d leave or stay just because of it.
That sounded crazy, even to her, she had been willing to take him sexually any way she could get him. But she wanted his love and loyalty because he gave it freely not because he felt he had to. Rafael was old-school loyal and would do the right thing, even if it wasn’t the right thing for him.
The knock on the door had her thoughts crashing to a halt and she was relieved. Opening the door she motioned to be quiet, she wasn’t sure the twins were asleep just yet. Closing the dishwasher she set it and turned to find Rafael studying the paperwork for the guardianship.
“What is this?”
“What does it look like? I was thinking of talking to Bethany about it when she came tomorrow to pick up the boys. Then I was thinking it sounds like a downer and I’ll talk to her about it after Christmas.”
“Hmm, if you really want her to sign them then it would be best to have her sign them before she spent too much time with them. She’s picking them up, why aren’t you driving down with them?”
“I’m not going with them, until this morning I thought I had to work and they were so excited at the thought of going down all on their own. I don’t want to kill their buzz, plus it will be nice to have the place to myself for a few days. They deserve a little bit of positive attention and not having to hear me get after them for one thing or another. Also Wendy makes the best stuffing ever, it always makes me feel bad about my cooking.” Carrie tried to laugh as she took the paperwork from Rafael and slipped them back in the large envelope. Without looking at him, she went down the hall toward her room.
“So you’re going to be home alone?”
“Hmm, I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine. Javier mentioned you were spending the holiday with your father, that’s good. He hinted it had been awhile since you spent time with him.”
“I guess, he’s got his life and I have mine. My grandfather isn’t in the best health to be spending hours in the car but he hates flying. I’m not looking forward to spending hours in a car with Javier and my grandfather. Javier enjoys tweaking my grandfather and trying to annoy him.
Come here, mi dulce, I need you tonight.” His kiss was demanding and needy and Carrie didn’t hold back. Letting go of the fear and the frustration she gave him everything she was.
His hands weren’t gentle as he undressed her, pushing down her jeans and panties in one go. He pulled up her shirt and her bra disappeared with a flick of the wrist. “On your knees, I want you on your knees.”
She didn’t hesitate and followed his instructions, hearing the sound of him undressing with haste he hadn’t shown in weeks her pussy grew even wetter with anticipation. Seconds later he was deep inside her, hard and rough and it took her breath away.
“Yes, please.” Carrie urged him on, it had been weeks since he had been rough and she needed it as badly as he did. His thrusts were so powerful it wasn’t long before she was on the edge of orgasm and was pushing back to meet him. Without warning he pulled out and she nearly screamed in frustration her head went down, what the hell?
Then she felt him, pushing steadily, without stopping into her ass and she couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure. Buried deep inside her, he gave her seconds to adjust and enjoy the feel of him before he began to move again. Fiercely he moved, his strokes bordering on out of control and oh lord it felt so good. She was spiraling in a daze to her orgasm when she felt his fingers slip into her pussy. Finding her swollen clitoris he kept time with his pounding thrusts and Carrie grabbed frantically for a pillow and buried her face in it so she could scream as loud as she needed when her climax hit. Still, he continued to move inside her, drawing out her orgasm. Harder now, he was practically pounding into her and she was lost, her whole body centered only on the feeling of him moving inside her until another climax swept over her and she was shaking from the force of it. At last, she felt him thicken and then spill into her. Staying inside her, he pulled her into his arms and held her.
Drifting off into sleep, Carrie was content, loving the feel of him still inside her, right where he belonged.
The next morning she woke alone as she was now used to. Her whole body throbbed and ached, Rafael had taken her so many times she lost count. Whispering he needed to build up for their lost time. It had been the only reference he made, he would miss her at all over the long weekend. There had been no more talking once their lovemaking began, not even the soft murmurings of approval he so often whispered to her and most importantly, no invitation. Had she really expected it? No, but the words would have told her what she needed to know. What was she to him? He spoke only of need, of want and desire. They never talked of anything further than the next day or sometimes the next week. She remembered the entry on his calendar was he really going to break up with her in two weeks or had it been something he needed to do to reassure himself he was in control?
Riley was yelling at Elliot to hurry up and she wanted to spend time with them but she was also scarily close to tears. Instead she went and took a very long and hot shower. By the time she was done, they were gone and she got dressed slowly, without really caring what she was doing.
Linda was waiting for her, apparently she had convinced Oliver to get an early start on his drive to Denver. Carrie was glad it was Linda she was working with, Linda was sweet and smart but she wasn’t one for asking personal questions. Oliver on the other hand had been pumping her for information on her relationship with Rafael within weeks. Sweet but nosy as hell, Oliver took it in and then chewed it over as he gave Carrie unwanted advice. Lately, Oliver had been of the opinion Carrie needed to make some demands and do some pushing. Carrie knew Rafael enough to know it wouldn’t work, he hated being pushed and nothing would make him back off faster, even if her patience was wearing thin.