Page 17 of His Marriage Demand
“We do what you want, it works for me. Latisha will be your maid of honor and Justin will be my best man. Fernando eloped to Cabo, this is payback, he’s fine with it.”
Jane is writing down the item numbers on the flutes then looks back up at us. “That’s it then. We’ve picked out everything that needs to be done until the seating arrangements and we won’t know that until RSVPs come in. The invitations will be done and mailed out by Tuesday. They’ll likely come in at the seventy you wanted to keep it under. I’m highly doubting anyone will be a no, however it’s best to wait until we get closer to the wedding to do it.”
“Good, if anything comes up, call Ria.” Drake pushes me down the hall and out onto the street. “Now is the really fun part. We’ll go pick out the jewelry first, we can pick out Latisha’s maid of honor gift there. What do you think? Earrings or a necklace?”
“Earrings, she has a thousand and is always buying more.” Norman has the door open for me and Drake slides in beside me. When he gives the address my eyes go big, Cartier.
“Don’t even think about it, you aren’t looking at price tags either. There’s family jewelry but I want you to have some pieces of your own. They have some pieces set aside. We won’t be wasting much time. I want to pick out a few things for you to wear in the pictures.”
When we pull up outside, Norman hops out and opens the door. He tells us he’ll circle the block until Drake calls him. Drake nods as he pushes me inside. The door isn’t even closed behind us when a man is at our side. A tall extremely thin Asian man, ever so slightly effeminate, without a trace of an accent. His diction is perfect. His smile is perfectly straight and blindingly white, I can’t help but smile back in a daze.
“Mr. Hawthorne, I’m Michael. I’ll be assisting you and your fiancée today. I have a selection of chocolate diamonds per your request to match her ring you bought here. We also chose a large selection of our finest and flawless diamonds and rubies. There are a varying selection of rings, earrings and necklaces for your review. Why don’t you come to the back and look through what we have pulled. We can, of course, always pull more.”
Two large display cases are covered in black velvet. I can’t hold back my gasp as the velvet is removed. Everything sparkles and glitters and everything is so large. I pull back in shock, stiffening at the idea of what they could cost.
Drake chuckles, pulling me close. “If you don’t pick things out, then I will.”
Michael hands me a flute of champagne and sets one for Drake beside the case. I sigh, giving Drake a look. He doesn’t see it because he’s already pointing and Michael is quick to do as he’s bid. Shrugging, I sip the champagne as I watch as piece after piece is laid out. I’m immediately drawn to a pair of diamond chandelier earrings; they’ll fit my wedding dress perfectly.
“They fit your dress don’t they?”
Nodding, I don’t look up, he’s such a know it all.
“These earring are a yes. Do you have a matching necklace or something close to them?” While Michael picks up the phone to request other pieces from the front, Drake turns to me. “Put them on now, I want to see how they look. I’m going to want your hair back for the photos, there will be someone to do your makeup and hair for you.”
I spot pretty bright earrings in the corner. “Drake, what about those for Latisha?”
“Sweetheart, we like Latisha, right? We can’t get her those, she’ll be mugged the first time she tries to wear them out. Knowing Latisha, she won’t give them up easily and bad things could happen. Since you like them, you’ll get them. Michael, we need a gift for a maid of honor. Earrings, something understated with a little shine.”
“May I suggest stud diamond earrings, sir?”
Drake looks to me and I nod, “She’d love something like that and since so many women wear fake ones, who’s to say if hers are real or not?”
With a nod, Michael lifts the phone, requesting a selection of diamond stud earrings be brought to the back. I look up to see Drake doing more pointing and sigh. I finish the champagne and don’t even attempt to stop Michael from refilling it. Every piece he picks is perfect, even though it feels very wrong, not one of them do I desire to have go back in the case.
Another employee arrives with two trays of diamond studs. I pick out diamond studs at a half carat. The bigger they got, the clearer it was they were very fine diamonds. A half carat total was as big as I dared to go.
I’m handed rings to try on. The ones I can’t help showing I like are put to the side, some of them need to be resized. A stunning chocolate and pearl ring has me not wanting to remove it, even if it is a bit large. Drake’s eyes go down to it, seeing me hesitating and toying with it.
“Michael, can you get something that will keep that on her finger for the day? We have a photo session I want her to wear it to. I’ll have it sent back to be resized tomorrow.”
Blushing, I look down at it. “Drake, I now have enough jewelry to wear until I’m ninety. Can we please go now?”
“Not yet, I want the necklace that matches those earrings. You’ll wear them all for the announcement photograph and then for our wedding.” Drake gives Michael a stern look and the poor man nods. A minute later he disappears. Drake finishes his own flute of champagne and tops off my own half-filled second one.
Michael comes back and opens a case. The necklace is a match for the earrings. I know they will both work perfectly with the dress, I don’t even hesitate, I nod.
With satisfaction, Drake takes the small rubber piece to wrap around the ring and slides the ring off my finger. Deftly, he slides the piece around the ring then puts the ring back on. His hand lingers and I feel the heat as I meet his eyes. His hunger matches mine and I sway into his heat. Sapphire dark in an instant, he presses firm lips on mine. It’s not nearly enough, I’m moaning as he pulls away. A slight thud has me turning to see Michael putting the lid on the cases. Blushing like mad, I bury my face in his chest.
“I hope for once I’m wrong and this need of yours won’t wane soon. This day isn’t even half over and already I’m dying to be inside you again.”
Words won’t come, I’m too embarrassed and in agreement. Drake chuckles, taking the two bags handed to him. He’s calling Norman, and I pull away as he pulls out his wallet and slides his card across the case. Michael takes the card and disappears. Only minutes later he’s handing the card back while thanking Drake.
Norman is holding the back door open. Drake hands him the bags as he gets in after me. The trunk goes up, and Norman stows the bags.
The shopping for clothes is as bad as I feared it would be. It feels endless, I have never owned as many clothes in my life as Drake picks out. Then he starts getting cranky, he’s not seeing anything good enough for the photo shoot for the announcement. A few he really likes, he sets to the side. The photo shoot won’t be just for the announcement, he wants pictures of both Justin and me for our home and if he ever decides to get an office. Snapping at the assistant for the second time has her running away in tears.