Page 19 of His Marriage Demand
“You got pictures of me, I want pictures of you.”
“I did take some pictures, while Justin and I were waiting for you.”
“Yes, but,” I take a shaky breath and I move my hand farther down. “I want pictures of you without your shirt on.”
His goes hand goes around my wrist, it’s almost painful. He closes his eyes and lets out a sigh, “You want me to pose without my shirt on?” The words come out of him tight.
“I was hoping you would agree to just your boxers, only I’m not sure if Graham could take it. Also, the more we talk about it the wetter I’m getting and now I don’t know.”
“You are fucking killing me here. This is what other women would have done in the jewelry store. You’re doing it for pictures of me in my boxers. I swear, you are fucking killing me. You know when we get home I’m going to fuck you so long and hard you can’t move for days?”
“Yes, please.”
His inhales hard, “Tit for tat. You in? Your bra and panties are sheer, Graham won’t care.”
I don’t even hesitate, just nod.
“Get the hell out of here, send Justin down to the car with Norman. We should be done by the time you get back. I want you clean of all makeup, your hair down, looking like you just rolled out of bed, our bed.”
Nodding, I turn, practically running for the door. I get Justin down to the car and hand him my phone to play with. Norman nods at babysitting for a little while. My walk back up is slower, I’m praying Graham takes advantage of his time with Drake.
Carla cleans me up and is chuckling as I blush as she takes my hair down. “I knew the minute Drake called me and told me I had to drop everything in New York to do your makeup that you were special. I’ve never seen him like this before. You two are a good fit.”
Thanking her with a blush, I look up in the mirror to see Drake waiting against the door. He’s dressed and his eyes are roaming. I get up and he takes my hand as he walks me into the studio. Graham has gone from polite to downright chipper while he moves lights around a futon set up in all white sheets and pillows. Knowing Drake has been lying in it for his pictures for me has me trembling. Drake’s hands go up to the back of my dress, slowly, he pulls the zipper down. The dress falls, I step out without embarrassment. The underwear is all sheer white, with light touches of lace at the edges. His eyes run over me as if they were his hands. “Stop it, you’re making wet. I don’t want it to come out in the pictures.”
He doesn’t stop, I’m aching with need. Graham calls to me and we disconnect. Turning towards Graham, I breathe deeply and follow his instructions. Lying down on the futon, the smell of Drake’s cologne on the sheets is torture while I go through ten agonizing minutes of poses until Drake calls a halt.
Drakes settles the dress over me as he and Graham confirm a time for the pictures to be picked up the next day. All of the pictures were done digitally. I let Drake pick out the announcement photos and am left at the other computer picking out pictures with a click. It’s pretty simple, I just check the box next to the picture I want then pick the size and number I want. I love several, for once I don’t think of the cost as I click on picture after picture of Justin and me and then almost all of me and Drake. When it comes to Drake’s pictures, I’m bright red and I click on every single one. I’m picking several different sizes when Drake comes to my side.
His mouth moves along my neck. “Do the same for me sweetheart and start developing a headache.”
I do as he orders, blushing as I pick out the ones of me. I’m surprised they look even better than I had hoped. It was a small, very easy price to pay to have the pictures of Drake.
We finish and Drake carries the bags of clothes to the car, and I settle into the back seat. We stop for food for me, and I eat during the drive home, which feels like it’s taking forever. I don’t dare look at Drake.
I don’t have to say anything. His arm goes around me and he walks me into the house. Justin helps him bring the bags up and I’m on the bed. Kicking off the heels Justin asks if I’m okay and he’s going to go watch a movie. I murmur I’ll be fine after a nap. Drake is coming back with the second set of bags as Justin walks out. He hangs them up and I’m shimmying out of my dress as he comes back toward me, his clothes coming off with each step.
Need is strong and there are no words, not the first time or even the second time he takes me hard and fast.
A long time later, I’m lying on his chest and can finally think. “Drake?”
“If I’m replacing us making love with holding hands and snuggling on the couch together then we are never ever holding hands.”
His laughter is a shout as he rolls me under him. “I love you so much, Ria.”
“I love you too. Thank you for my pictures. I wasn’t sure you would do it. I almost chickened out, I’m glad I didn’t. I’m sure Graham is, too.”
“Yes, he enjoyed it. Knowing I was doing it for you had me enjoying it too.”
“Hmm, do you think that we could, you know, do that thing we did last night?” I push my hips invitingly and his eyes go dark as he nods.
Chapter Ten
When I wake up the next morning I find out I’m not pregnan
t. Even though I had been pretty sure it wasn’t likely to happen, I’m in tears at the revelation. It’s how Drake finds me. His arms are quick to go around me and I feel foolish for my tears. When he finally gets out of me why I’m crying he goes still.