Page 31 of His on Demand
Does he see the fear in my eyes?
“No, sweetness, do not even think about running. You had your chance. You are not going anywhere. If you do, have no doubt I will find you.” The promise sends a shiver down my spine.
I nod and the tension eases in his touch.
His fingers trail down my neck to the pulse pounding below my skin. “I do want you to go get checked by your doctor and make sure I didn’t hurt you.”
“That’s crazy. I’m fine.”
“On second thought, I’ll go with you.”
“I’ll go. I’ll go.”
“I want the doctor’s notes on the visit sent to me. While I am in London, you can work from home considering the time difference. Go in tomorrow and get a laptop from IT, so you have access to the company server. I will still need the daily reports sent to me. I will also be sending you things to handle.”
Felix hisses out of nowhere, I look down and watch in horror as he bites Leo. “Felix, no!”
I grab him to pull him away, Felix takes a swipe at me forcing me to let him go. His point made he takes off for his perch at the top of his cat tree. Leo pulls up his pant leg and blood is showing.
“I am so sorry.” I’m down on my knees to get a closer look. “Oh my god, he’s never done anything like this before. I’m sorry, does it hurt? Let me get a washcloth.”
Before I can stand Leo’s hand wraps around my arm and lifts me up and against him. His hold is tight, coming close to pain but I don’t complain. Despite what happened my body responds to him all over again, melting into him, wanting more. I can barely breathe as he lowers his head the heat of his breath tangles with mine. The scent of him is all around me, I want to sink into him and never leave. Then he blinks, he lets me go as if he just realized he was holding me. I fight to stay standing. Without another word or even a second look, he walks out my front door.
Felix is acting up, I’m not in the mood for it. I warn him if he doesn’t stop he’s going in his carrier. With a hiss, he finally leaves me alone. The seconds tick by, I’m squirming in embarrassment as I wait for Leo’s response to what I just sent him. There is no way Leo won’t have something to say about it. I sent the notes from my visit to the doctor today.
It was the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been with my doctor and considering she was the person who helped me learn to insert a tampon it’s saying a lot. My dad found her when I was sixteen and explained the whole no mom or woman in my life thing. Dr. Zhou has been amazing, no question I had was ever stupid, and every appointment felt like a gossip session. Not today's visit.
It was bad enough having to explain why I was there. I think it’s a very good thing Leo didn’t go with me because Dr. Zhou was pissed at him. I spent half the visit defending him and the other half hating him for putting me through it. Of course, it was the one thing he got a good point from Dr. Zhou for, checking to make sure there were no lasting effects was important she assured me. Then she started in on birth control and how Plan B really is a back-up not something to make a usual thing. Before I knew it, I agreed to a birth control shot, that hurt like hell and a bottle of lubricant for next time. I thought I was going to faint I went so red when I told her that I wasn’t even sure there would be a next time.
Dr. Zhou laughed at me and assured me with everything I told her, she could guarantee there would be a next time. She said to use condoms for a few days, and the last thing I should be worried about is pregnancy. The notation Dr. Zhou added when I asked for the note on the visit likely wasn’t going to help. I almost crossed out the word asshole but didn’t bother.
My phone pings, shit. If it weren’t going to be bad, he would have messaged me through the work email. His text leaves me confused.
I’ll be home tomorrow
He only left yesterday, after the note about him hating flying in and out so quickly I’m not sure what his text means. Why did he text if that was all? Why did it feel so ominous? Why am I wet seeing it?
It’s almost noon before I get the text. He hasn’t come in, he also hadn't sent a single email since the text yesterday. I know his plane landed an hour ago.
My place 12:30
Before I think about it, I respond.
Like I wasn’t going to go. The suspense is killing me. I know I’m useless between now and the time it will take to get to his home. Looking down at what I’m wearing I wonder if I have enough time to go home and change. No, and if I did, I’m not sure what I would change into.
I’m not sure why exactly I wore the dress from my first day. This morning was a repeat of that first day, staring, wondering what the hell to wear. The moment I saw it I grabbed it and didn’t think twice. Now I’m thinking and wondering if it was a good idea or a very bad one.
I’ve been to the Waldorf Astoria twice, both times for events for work and never been past the third-floor restaurant. I know Leo owns a condo in the building that takes up the whole freaking floor. As I press the button to go up to his floor, my stomach flips a dozen times.
When the elevator opens, it's to a foyer with white marble and a huge wooden door. It opens before I knock. Has it only been three days since I saw him? I take him in hungrily as if I’ve been starving. Leo goes still when he sees me and fire flashes in his eyes, but he doesn’t say anything.