Page 47 of His on Demand
She melts into the wall instantly. “You do.” She exhales the words in a tremble of air.
I am not fucking her in an elevator, no matter how much she wants me to. “Never forget that and never let any man forget it either.”
“Leo,” she moans my name, pleading to be fucked.
Shaking my head, I look to see we have only one floor before the doors open. “Consider this your punishment for making me remind you of who you belong to.”
The doors open, I exit ahead of her. She whispers the word bastard behind me.
“I heard that.” Is all I say as I keep walking.
While Alexa is getting her hair and makeup done, I talk to Graham. I tell him what I want after the regular photos have been taken. He hesitates, I double his fee, he nods with a smile telling me he’ll be happy to.
The next two hours feels like four. Once Alexa has finished changing for the ninth time, she proclaims she’s done to Santos. Santos, Miguel’s personal and business partner, nods giving Alexa a kiss on her cheek that has my hands in fists fighting to remind myself it’s just his teasing way. For the two of them it was instant like, the man is gay but my hands don’t unclench until he takes his hands off her. He looks over the photos with Graham, it’s clear he’s happy. When he asks for my thoughts, I tell him I trust his judgment as far the professional part of the shoot was concerned I was satisfied.
However, I want a more personal shoot to occur. With a knowing smile, he tells me that he and Miguel will get with Graham tomorrow to pick out the ones for her promotional kit. I am counting down the seconds as I let the makeup artist know she is done for the day. Graham lets his two assistants go. I will never get Alexa to agree if there are more people in the room than Graham and me.
Alexa slides off the dress she is wearing. My cock goes hard at the silky black slip she is standing in.
I shake my head when she looks up with a question in her eyes. “I want more pictures of you. Starting with the last dress you tried on at the department store.”
Her breath shudders out of her then she nods. I close the door but don’t move as she undresses. She has changed her bra and panties, these are plain, designed to disappear under clothing. She leaves them on as she slips the dress on. It is sex and sin, and I am counting down the minutes until I am inside her again. I open the door behind me, needing to get distance between us before I give into my desire.
She stops. “Santos—”
“Everyone is gone except me, you, and Graham. This is just for me. Go, I will start pulling out what I want you to wear.”
While she leaves, I grab the boxes from Gertrude’s I had the driver bring up and stowed in a break room. I go through them to find the nude dress and the body suit. Taking out the body suit I remember a white skirt that looked sheer and filmy that Alexa had not yet worn today. I find it, and it works perfectly with the body suit. Her gasp has me turning to see her blushing. “Leo, I can’t wear the lingerie in front of Graham. I know he’s gay, but he’s not blind.”
I pull the zipper of the dress down her body. “Please,” I whisper at the base of her spine. “Your body is a work of art. I am enthralled with every inch of you. From the proud lift of your gorgeous breasts to the dip of your waist.” I caress the silk of her skin as I whisper in her ear.
Alexa trembles beneath my touch. The scent of her pussy teases my aching cock.
“For weeks I imagined you in black lace, in silk covering the sweetest part of you. Only the reality of you surpassed every dream, exceeded my fantasy. Now, I want to be able to look upon you whenever I want. Please.”
Her eyes dilate, the air around us trembles with our need. “I’ll let him take the pic
tures if you don’t watch.”
Fuck, I want to argue. I am not even sure what I am agreeing to. I did not get to see the lingerie Gertrude picked out for Alexa. Yet, I cannot argue with her request as I do not trust myself around her without taking her. I nod. “I will be downstairs in the car. I need to call someone to come pick up everything and have them deliver it to your place. Do you have a spare key?”
She goes into her purse then hands over two keys, one to get into the building and one to her front door. “Text me when you are done.”
On my way down, I make a few calls. The next hour feels like the longest of my life before I get the text from Alexa that she is done and on her way down. I get a call from Graham telling me he sent Alexa down with the memory card from the private shoot.
When Alexa opens the door to the car, she hands me the boxes from Gertrude’s. She gets in thrusts the memory card from Graham at me, then grasps my cock through my pants. “Tell him to get us to the hotel fast.”
The elevator opens, I don’t bother looking up from the report I’m highlighting the errors in. Jenny hadn’t done the best on her latest report, and it’s all my fault. At least that was the note on it when I found it on my desk when I came in this morning. Leo didn’t mention it last night, if there is one good thing about Leo and this fucked up relationship we have, it’s that he doesn’t talk about work or try and keep me on the clock when we aren’t at work. That feels like the only good thing right now.
Okay, I know I’m exaggerating considering how awesome the sex is. Then there’s the way when we’re together he makes me feel so damn sexy, like I’m the only woman in the world he wants or has ever wanted or will ever want. But he’s still doing it, he’s still trying to keep me at a distance, separate from any part of his life.
He hasn’t touched me at work since that day of the photo shoot. I don’t understand what the hell is going on with him. After that first amazing day of him telling me that I mattered to him, this is really confusing the shit out of me. Something about the day of the photo shoot spooked him because he’s been different ever since.
That night we went back to the damn room, I hate that room. At the time I was still on a high from how awesome the day was to care. Back in the room, he demanded a real-life modeling session in the lingerie. In the first outfit, his cock was hard. In the second outfit, he pulled off his suit jacket and tie. By the third outfit, his shirt was gone. Once I was in the third sheer baby doll, he began to stroke his cock as he watched me. I understood why he liked watching me touch myself, it was sexy as fuck. I was on my knees, but he said no he wanted to see more. By the sixth outfit, I couldn’t move as I watched him stroke his cock until he came. I cleaned him up with my mouth then he carried me to the bed where we spent hours making love.