Page 3 of His Hidden Agenda
The door is open to my office, Alex is at the window, looking down. When he hears me close the door he looks up. His eyes roam over me and rest on my tight painful nipples. He crosses the room and his mouth is on mine. Without prompting, I open my mouth and his tongue sweeps inside with blatant ownership. Tasting, learning and demanding, I’m lost in him. When he lifts his head, I moan his name, hating the loss of him. His hands have been busy. It takes me a moment before I see my hair is flowing through his hand.
“I thought you’d run away. I’m glad you didn’t. You look beautiful. Let’s go or we’ll miss dinner again.”
He takes my bag and ushers me out of my office. Once again, I’m quiet as he drives, working hard to getting my focus back. Okay, I can do this. I’ll get through dinner and tell him I know what he’s doing that it isn’t going to work. Whatever he’s trying to pull is over, done. Until he touches me again as he helps me from the car, and my whole body gets hot and achy with need. We’re at a well-known, well-written five star restaurant.
Once we’re seated, I open my mouth but Alex is faster.
“Have I mentioned you look beautiful? I have to admit I didn’t get any sleep last night. All I could think about was you. The only thing getting me through the day was looking forward to this and the memory of the taste of you on my tongue.” I’m stunned by how sincere he looks. The waitress arrives and it feels like it takes forever to order.
We’re alone again. I’m relieved there’s plenty of room between the tables for my announcement. Once again, he’s quicker than I am, “I have to tell you, baby, you have me curious. How is someone who was married for seven years still as new to sex as a virgin? Not even counting the years you were married, your body is a fucking sin, how have you gone without?”
I’m red with embarrassment, as his words start my body going for him all over again.
“You have to tell me, I’m going to need to know. It will make a difference for our first time. Don’t shake your head Grace, I want you to talk to me. Was he gay or something?”
“No!” I hiss, “He was just small, I guess. He had a low sex drive and he wasn’t very good at it. Neither was I, apparently. Look this isn’t going to work. I know what you’re doing and it’s not going to happen. You’re just trying to fluster me so your work is better and you get the job. One, it’s a real scum ball move, and two, it’s not going to happen. I have worked too long and too hard not get that job.”
“You’re kidding right? You really believe what you just said right now?”
“Of course, I do. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Guys like you don’t want fat chicks like me.” I hiss at him in exasperation.
His eyes darken in anger. “I don’t ever want to hear that word on your lips again.” The words are ice cold, promising painful retribution if I ever make the mistake, and they cut my legs out from under me. “Grace, I’ve wanted you in my bed since the first day I met you. I’ve asked you out no less than twenty times. Last night I took it a step too far for you. I took it farther than even I intended, but you looked so good I couldn’t resist. Watching you give the presentation, I don’t think I heard half of what you were saying, all I could think about was bending you over the conference table and fucking you until you couldn’t walk. Grace, I really don’t think you know how much sleep your sexy ass has cost me, and that’s a shame.”
Closing my eyes, I’m fighting for control of my body. This can’t be real, this is a dream like the others I’ve had of him before. I can admit it now, I’ve dreamt of him and I’ve woken wet and panting for him.
“Grace, this doesn’t have a damned thing to do with work. Look at me, I’m sorry if it feels like you’re playing catch up to understand, but it doesn’t seem like your body is. Maybe that’s because it’s felt my eyes on you hundreds of times over this last year and it knows what I want.”
Our appetizers come out and I’m desperate to understand how I could have missed it. Then I run over the last fourteen months and I see it all clicking into place. Alex had asked me out, at first soft invites to discuss work and then all mention of work gone until he’d asked for lunch. I’ve felt his eyes on me, it was the reason why I wore skirts for presentations. I knew he liked me in them. The reason why I didn’t like him in my office, because I didn’t trust myself with him in the room, with or without the door closed. I feel so stupid. The words slip from me in a whisper as I shake my head.
“You aren’t stupid, Grace, you’re just a little gun shy. Obviously, your husband didn’t know what he was doing, and from that stupid remark earlier, you have body issues. I don’t, the only issue I have is how badly I want your body in my bed for hours and days on end for my enjoyment. We’ll get to that later. Now, I want to know about you. Everything, what do you do in your free time besides read, or, from the hundreds of books that line your walls, is that all you like to do? What’s your favorite book, your favorite author? I want to know what makes you tick. Talk to me Grace.”
It’s intoxicating, his look of intent. His blue eyes on me tell me he isn’t joking, he wants to know everything about me.
“Who’s the blonde?” I blurt out, it had bothered me the most while he spoke about wanting me. The blonde had appeared often in his office and I knew he’d taken her out to lunch. She also looks like a supermodel, with long legs, bright blue eyes and a bright white even smile. Exactly the kind of woman a man as gorgeous as he belonged with.
His smile is slow and knowing, “Marley, one of my many sisters. She moved here from Boston recently and she’s being a little needy right now.”
The next few hours fly by. Alex keeps me talking and it’s easy with him. He’s the charming, smiling face I had wanted to slap at work because I was jealous he was smiling at someone else. He answers my own questions, the few times he allows me to ask questions. His father had been married and divorced four times, leaving him with a menagerie of brothers and sisters, half and step, totaling eight. They could be loud and a pain, and it was rare for them to all be together, but they had managed to all maintain a relationship. Watching Alex talk about them, his face softened and it was clear they were important to him.
Gradually, it’s becoming clear they are shutting down the restaurant around us and Alex allows me to stop talking. Leaving the restaurant, it’s cool as we wait for the valet to bring his car around. Alex wraps his arms around me. I melt into him, he’s warming me up from the inside out. I feel so comfortable in his arms I’m sad when his car appears. Alex opens the door and I slip inside.
“Seat belt, Grace.” He murmurs at me with a smile, and I’m flustered at his knowing smile. I never feel it coming, but I yawn once then again. I hear him sigh, and I long to take it back.
“I’m not tired.” I say, then ruin
it by yawning again.
“Grace, it’s okay. I told you I didn’t sleep well either. It’s almost midnight. I won’t keep you any later, I can’t have you falling asleep at work and blaming me for it.” He chuckles and I blush as I remember how astonished he’d looked at my accusation.
In the almost empty streets, the drive is quick to my place. I’m moving slowly up to my door, I know I’m tired and he has to be, but I don’t want him to leave.
“What’s the matter, baby?” So, I tell him exactly what I’m thinking. He pulls me close and leans against the closed door. “Grace, I don’t want a few snatched minutes, or even an hour. I’m going to want all night with you, do you understand? You aren’t up for what I need from you right now.”
I feel him hard against me and I understand, I do, but it doesn’t make it any easier. I nod and pull back from him, unable to meet his eyes.
“Grace, go get ready for bed.” He orders, and locks the door and takes off his jacket while begins to loosen his tie.
I’m confused, he leans down and kisses my lips hard. “Go get ready for bed.”