Page 122 of Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)
Oh, Babies!
Coming soon!
The McNamara-Ellis Twins!
Aine’s eyes filled with tears. She looked at Griffin, who was beaming back at her.
“Am I ever happy that it’s you two having twins,” said Tabon, shaking Griffin’s hand.
“Twins run in our family, sweetheart. There’s nothing to say we won’t have our own set someday,” Ava said to her husband.
Tabon put his hand on his wife’s belly. “This is just one though, right?”
“You’ve been at all the ultrasounds with me. If there were two in here, you’d know.” Ava looked out the window. “Quinn and Mercer are here!” she shouted.
“They are?” asked Aine, turning around to see them driving in.
“Everyone is coming,” said Ava, holding both of her hands. “We’re all so happy for you and Griffin.”
Ava looked at Aine’s hand. “Hey—where’s the ring?”
“My fingers are too fat, so I wear it here.” She showed her sister the diamond and garnet ring she wore on a chain around her neck.
“It’s gorgeous!” gasped Ava. “You did good,” she said, turning toward Griffin.
“Can I get you a beer?” asked Razor.
“Please,” Striker answered, following him into the kitchen.
“Congratulations again,” he said, clinking his bottle against the one he’d handed Striker. “When’s the big day?”
“We haven’t decided yet. Aine says she wants to wait until after the twins are born. I’d marry her today if she’d agree to it.”
“That’s how it was for Ava and me, although it was her idea not to wait. I wanted to make sure she didn’t regret having a big wedding, and all she cared about was that all of our friends were here to celebrate with us.”
“I met Aine that day.”
“I remember.”
“If I hadn’t let Monk drag me to your wedding, I might not be standing here today.”
“How is Monk?”
“Determined to help Onyx recover, to the exclusion of everything else in his life.”
“Saylor and the girls will be here today. I’ll warn you that she might ask about him.”
“Thanks for the heads up, although I don’t know what I’ll tell her.”
“I hear ya. I’ve run out of things to say myself.”
“There you are,” said Aine, walking up to him and putting her arm around his waist. “Ava just told me that everyone is going to be in town for the long Easter weekend.”
“Yeah? Everybody?”
“Almost everybody,” she said. The situation with both Onyx and Monk, along with Tara, was something they talked about often.