Page 34 of Striker (K19 Security Solutions 6)
Quinn stood. “I could use a walk on the beach. What about you two?”
Ava laughed. “I have to finish getting dinner ready, but we’ll have our chance soon enough. My guess is that when we’re finished eating, the K19 boys will retreat downstairs and hole themselves up in my husband’s office.”
“Mercer has a lot of catching up to do,” agreed Quinn.
“Come keep me company in the kitchen.”
Aine and Quinn followed Ava and stepped aside when she shooed the three men out of their way. As he passed, Striker’s arm brushed Aine’s. She felt his touch from the top of her head to her toes, and judging by the look on his face, he felt it too.
She couldn’t wait to get Quinn’s take on Striker’s sudden shift where their relationship was concerned. Maybe she could help her and Ava figure why his sister’s death had played such an integral role in their breakup.
“I had no idea what a good cook you were,” said Quinn, eyeing the four courses Ava was busy putting the finishing touches on.
“I love it. How could you not in a kitchen like this.” Ava waved her arm around the large space. “The one in our house in Yachats is even better.”
“I remember,” said Quinn, dipping a spoon into the sauce Ava was preparing. “Oh my God, that’s so good.”
“Steak Diane is one of Tabon’s favorites.”
At the same time she mentioned his name, Tabon walked into the kitchen with a platter of ribeyes. “The ones on the right are medium rare, and those on the left are closer to well done. Let them rest for a few minutes.”
“Yes, sir,” Ava teased.
Tabon put his arms around his wife’s waist. “I’ll open another bottle of wine.”
“Oh my goodness,” gasped Ava. “I didn’t even offer Quinn anything to drink.”
“That’s okay. I haven’t forgotten how to ask.”
“Would you like a glass?” Tabon asked as he pulled the cork.
“No, thanks. I’ll stick with water.”
Both Aine and Ava spun around at the same time, and when they did, Quinn nodded her head and patted her belly.
“Four months.”
The three squealed and fell into a group hug.
“I’m so happy for you,” said Aine.
“To be honest, I was a little worried about how you’d feel—you know, being around the baby.”
“Where is Sam anyway?”
“Still napping,” Aine answered for her sister, pointing to the baby monitor sitting on the kitchen counter. “I guarantee he’ll wake up as soon as we sit down for dinner.”
Sure enough, the minute the serving dishes were on the table and Ava had taken a seat, they heard Sam’s wails through the monitor.
“I’ll get him,” offered Aine.
“Thanks, Sis,” said Ava.
She was almost to the baby’s room when she met Striker coming out of the restroom.
“Where are you off to?” he asked, meeting her in the hallway.
“To get Sam,” she answered, pointing to the door. “Although by the sound of it, he may have fallen back to sleep.”