Page 18 of The Ultimate Choice
It took some time to relate the whole sequence of events, and her grandfather listened with interest and awe and pride. Finally he declared that Kelly couldn't have done anything else under the circumstances, and Judge Moffat's advice was absolutely righ
t. In fact, he might even let the judge win their next chess game. He was too good a man to be subjected to too many losses.
As for Justin St John, he was a very confusing person. 'Can't make him out at all…giving with the one hand and taking with the other.' Michael O'Reilly shook his head in puzzlement. 'But one thing's certain, Kelly. He hasn't made any charge of horse-stealing at the police station. Sergeant Connelly would have let me know if you were in any trouble there.'
They ruminated over that undoubtable truth for several minutes.
'Maybe he's seen the light and changed his mind. Just as he did with my land,' her grandfather suggested.
Kelly sighed. 'I don't think so, Grandpa.' She remembered Justin St John's words all too vividly. For him to change his mind about show-jumping seemed beyond the realms of possibility. 'But miracles do happen,' she added out loud.
And her grandfather was certainly right about Justin St John being a very confusing person. Kelly had edited the kissing part out of her story, but she thought about it a lot when she went to bed that night.
There was no denying that she felt very attracted to the man, despite the age difference between them. In fact, she had never felt any of the things he made her feel. It wasn't just a sexual thing, like that stupid infatuation she had had at college. She didn't know…didn't understand what it was. Except that it was disturbingly strong.
To say she had fallen in love with Justin St John was obviously premature. She had only met him twice. But the impact both times had certainly imprinted him on her mind. And her heart was not behaving normally at all.
Perhaps it was only because he had struck at issues that meant so much to her… such as Grandpa's land and the show-jumping. Her emotions had been well and truly stirred, and his reaction to her had stirred them even further. Perhaps that was it.
All the same, she wouldn't mind him kissing her again. Although that was highly improbable, considering the present conflict between them.
Yet… why hadn't he done something about her taking Rasputin? Why had he let her get away with it? Or was he simply waiting until tomorrow, to see if she returned the prize stallion?
Undoubtedly that had to be what he was expecting!
Well, he'd be waiting a long time, Kelly vowed.
Kelly drove off to work particularly early the next morning. If there was going to be trouble with Justin St John, she didn't want her grandfather in the middle of it, getting over-excited and upset. He had only just recovered from the last lot of stress. She would handle this by herself…if that was possible.
As soon as she reached her office she telephoned the Moffats, reporting that nothing had happened to her as yet, and learning that Rasputin was in fine fettle and quite at home in his new stall. Kelly promised to keep Arlene abreast of any pertinent news and rang off.
So far, so good, she thought, but her nerves were definitely in a bad way. Although Kelly called her place of business an office it actually comprised four rooms-three for treating her patients and a small waiting-room with a reception desk. She fidgeted through all of them-tidying, dusting, straightening the pile of magazines-keeping herself busy while she waited for the first appointment at nine o'clock.
It was a relief to hear the front door opening just five minutes short of the hour. Kelly hurried into the waiting-room to greet her expected patient. She stopped dead when she saw who it was.
He leaned heavily on his walking-stick as he shut the door behind him. The grey eyes regarded Kelly with steely intensity. His face gave nothing away, not even the slightest flicker of the pain he had to be suffering with his leg.
The click of the door activated Kelly's defence mechanisms. Her mind shrieked that she would not be intimidated. She had right on her side. She would not back down from the action she had taken. Never. No matter what he threatened. But none of these brave resolutions seemed to work.
'You came?' The trite words trickled out of her mouth before she could stop them.
As much as Kelly would have liked to believe that Justin St John had ventured into her office for physiotherapy, it was hardly within the realms of possibility. It had to be over the horses. He was too determined on having his own way to let her get away with stealing Rasputin, particularly when he had gone through so much physical pain to stop her.
'I wanted to see you,' he said grimly, his lips barely moving.
Kelly remembered all too clearly how those lips felt moving over her own. They had certainly done some moving then. She felt the heat rising in her body. It was difficult to block out all the other things she had felt in his embrace, especially when he was standing right in front of her.
Kelly tried to wrench her mind on to something else. She didn't want to think about what Justin St John was doing to her. Under the circumstances, she didn't want to discuss the subject of horses and show-jumping with him either.
Which only left work. And whether he wanted it or not, Justin St John did need physiotherapy. And she had told him to come to her office for it.
'I'm glad you took my advice,' she said brightly. 'I've been waiting for you. I can fit you in straight away.'
Whatever he was expecting, it wasn't that. He could not conceal his surprise. It flashed across his face for an instant before he could control it. Then the muscles of his face tightened, and all expression was carefully blanked from his face.
His eyes narrowed as he stared at her assessingly. It was as if he was seeing her for the first time. Kelly didn't give him time to think about it. For some incomprehensible reason, she felt she held a momentary advantage over him. But it was one which could be quickly lost. It was necessary to act immediately.
She strode across the room to draw aside the curtain which lent privacy to one of the treatment cubicles. She motioned Justin St John forward. 'If you'll just come through here, and…er…get prepared…'