Page 41 of Jack's Baby
“We add to the family?”
“What do you think?” he asked warily. “If you’d prefer to leave it at one…It was just an idea. It’s been growing on me this past week. I mean, I can’t imagine life without Charlotte now. I really love this kid. If we had more, there’d be plenty of love around for everyone, wouldn’t there?”
Nina had a mad desire to laugh. She had been so hopelessly and wildly wrong about Jack, it was almost funny. But it wasn’t, really. It had very nearly been tragic. Again tears threatened. She struggled for control, then smiled to set him at ease.
“I was an only child, too. I know what you mean, Jack. It would be good for Charlotte to have a brother or sister.”
His face broke into a pleased grin. “Hear that, kid?” he asked Charlotte, who promptly stopped guzzling to give him her full attention. “You might rule the roost, but you’re going to have company.”
She blew him a raspberry.
“There you go, getting impertinent again. I’ll tell Spike on you if you don’t show proper respect.”
The dog, who had squatted beside the rocking chair, leapt up to check what was going on. He looked at Charlotte. Charlotte looked him straight in the eye, as though imparting the message that he needn’t think he could be interfering between her and her father, then lifted her gaze to Jack and opened her mouth for the teat again.
It was enough to make Nina start wondering if there was more to instinctive communication than she had credited.
Over the next few days, it became very evident that Jack had an innate talent for family. He called his apprentices “his boys”, giving them a strong sense of being on the team, and they looked up to him as though he was a second father to them. Spike dogged his footsteps everywhere and was naturally included in practically every activity. Charlotte, “the kid” or, Nina suspected, “the pup” in Spike’s mind—was adopted by all of them.
Eventually the community nurse declared Nina healed. Having accompanied her to the front door, thanking her for the help and advice given, Nina went in search of Jack and Charlotte to give them the good news. She heard voices coming from the rumpus room, where Jack did his final polish on whatever he was working on. As she approached she remembered he had an appointment with Maurice Larosa, the antique dealer. She paused, loath to interrupt a business talk.
Their conversation drifted through the open door, holding her riveted.
“She’s a champion kid, Maurice,” Jack declared with pride. “Sleeps through the night. No worries at all. You’d better have a daughter next time.”
“I guess boys are noisier,” came the rueful reply. “She’s got your chin, Jack.”
“Chip off the old block. Though her eyes are just like Nina’s.”
“The fair hair must come from you.”
“I guess so. She’s going to be a stunner, Maurice. Blonde hair and big brown eyes.”
“Sounds like she’s got you wrapped around her little finger already,” Maurice remarked in amusement.
Jack laughed. “That’s my daughter. You’d better warn your son not to mess with her. I’m riding shotgun on this kid.”
Nina couldn’t help smiling. If there had still been any question about Jack’s attitude towards Charlotte, it was more than answered by the doting expressions she was hearing.
“Well, I must be going,” Maurice said, dragging his mind back to business. “Great job on the desk, Jack. My client will be delighted with it.”
“I’ll get Gary to deliver it this afternoon. I’ll show you out through the workshop, Maurice. Something else I want you to see.”
Self-conscious about eavesdropping, Nina moved beyond their sight as the two men started out of the room. “Mind Charlotte, Spike,” Jack called over his shoulder. “Won’t be long.”
This cavalier instruction to his dog piqued Nina’s curiosity. As soon as the coast was clear she returned to the doorway into the rumpus room. Spike was sitting on his haunches beside the capsule, cocking his head attentively as Charlotte waved her fists and burbled. An inquiring whine came from his thro
at. Charlotte raised her voice in a peremptory manner. Spike squatted down, dropping his head over the side of the capsule. Charlotte crooned at him.
Nina had the weird feeling Charlotte had this huge, intimidating animal wrapped around her little finger, too. Certainly she wasn’t the least bit frightened of the dog. She grabbed a fistful of shaggy hair. Spike’s huge lolloping tongue came out and gently swatted her chin. Charlotte crowed in delight. Having sensed Nina’s presence, Spike turned his head and gave her a look as if to say, “Well, she asked for it.”
“That’s fine, as long as you don’t eat her,” Nina heard herself say indulgently, and wondered if she had taken leave of all common sense. But the dog settled down contentedly and let Charlotte play with his hair, not so much as twitching an ear as the baby cooed her pleasure, obviously thinking it a great game.
“Don’t worry. Spike thinks he’s her stand-in mum.”
She half-jumped as Jack’s arms slid around her waist then relaxed as he gently pulled her against him.
“He’s such a big dog.” She sighed.