Page 36 of Fatherhood Fever!
Peta bridled at the critical note in her sister’s voice. “It’s handy for getting through the traffic to and from the airport.”
“I thought you told Matt you didn’t want to hang on to your career.”
“So I did. And I meant it. But I haven’t had the baby yet, Megan.”
“Well, you don’t want to take any risks when there’s no need.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake! I’m not a fragile flower.”
“Sorry. It’s just... I know how much this means to you. I want everything to go right. For Matt, as well. You will consider his feelings...”
“Megan, stop being a worrywart. Matt’s fine. He’s over the moon about the baby. It is what we got married for, after all.”
“Peta...” A sigh. “...Don’t you yet realise...” She hesitated.
The doorbell rang.
It was a good excuse not to hear any more well-meant but tiresome advice. “Got to go, Megan. Someone’s at the door.”
“Well...have a happy night.”
“We will.”
Brimming with confidence, Peta opened the door to a delivery boy whose arms were loaded with flowers.
“Mrs. Matt Davis?” he asked.
“For you.” He grinned and passed over the flowers—a bunch of blue irises and a bunch of pink tulips. “Congratulations, Mrs. Davis.”
“Thanks,” she said dazedly, not having expected flowers. The memory of the rose debacle was still sharp, making her feel uncomfortable about the gift.
The accompanying card, however, instantly cheered her... Matt, being a daddy.
Consider his feelings...
Megan’s advice echoed in her ears. Not that she needed it. Matt had the same feelings as herself about starting a family. A boy or a g
irl... she smiled in delight The flowers were perfect. She took great care and pleasure in arranging them in a bowl to set on the table as a centrepiece for their special dinner tonight.
It turned into the happiest of times together. Somehow, because of the baby, there was an extra warmth between them, a closer intimacy. They were sharing the miracle of a new life starting, Peta reasoned.
Over dinner, they tossed names at each other, laughing over some, seriously considering others. It was fun. It was magic.
Matt suggested they start looking for a house in earnest. His Bondi apartment was no place for a baby. They discussed what areas might be suitable, trying to keep his travel time to work within an acceptable limit. He didn’t mind her keeping on her job for a while, though once they found a property they both liked, Peta wanted to spend all her time on turning it into their home.
Wonderful plans...
And when they finally went to bed, Matt was so tender, so caring, caressing and kissing her stomach, her breasts...the feelings he evoked there were exquisite... the gentle sucking... Peta cradled his head, imagining holding their child, feeling the bond of love that would form...
She forgot Megan’s advice.
She didn’t consider Matt’s feelings at all.
She thought only of the baby she would have.