Page 46 of Fatherhood Fever!
Matt struggled to contain himself. Why didn’t Peta say something? His nerves were stretched to the limit, waiting for her to make some further move, either towards him or away. Her eyes had roved over him as, he couldn’t let himself believe that.
Yet his whole body was on pins and needles, reacting automatically, instinctively, and the way she was now staring at his mouth...the desire to leap up and do a powerful piece of molesting was pumping through his heart so fast, his feet started to tense into springing action.
She moved, walking forward, speaking at the same time. “I’ve been such a fool, Matt, not realising what I had in you, wasting what you gave me. I
guess I needed this past month apart from you to get everything in perspective.”
Her voice warmly pleaded, her eyes craved his understanding. The positive signals almost exploded Matt’s mind. She wanted him back.
“I brought you show you I’ve come to my senses.”
She laid the tissue-wrapped bundle on his desk. It held roses. Red roses. Matt shook his head in bewilderment. Was it a peace offering, an attempt to erase bad memories, or did they mean what she’d said they should mean? He looked up to scan her eyes again, urgently questioning.
She gave him a tremulous smile. “I love you, Matt. I hope you can find it in your heart...”
He exploded onto his feet, his chair flying back on its rollers. “Peta...” Her name encompassed all the yearning he’d tried to stifle. He couldn’t find the voice for anything else. A few strides around the desk and she was in his arms—heaven in his arms.
Her mouth met his with her lips parted, wanting what he wanted, and she flung her arms around his neck and arched her body into his as though she was as starved for him as he was for her. He kissed her, kissed her with all the pent-up passion of the hours and days and weeks when there was no outlet for his yearning, no relief, no joy in anything because she wasn’t there for him.
But she was now. And the miracle of it overwhelmed him. He cupped her face, holding it back so he could drink in the reality of her again, see that what she said was still true. Her eyes swam with his own rampant feelings. He couldn’t find words to tell her how much it meant, how much she meant to him. All he could do was hug her tightly, imprinting her body on his again, feeling her warmth and softness and the beat of her heart against his, revelling in the scent of her, the sweet giving of herself.
She sighed. “Matt, I am deeply sorry for...”
“Don’t!” The words came tumbling out of the wretched soul-searching he’d done. “I knew you were fragile under your strength, Peta. That you were still shattered by what had happened to you. I took the risk of marrying you, telling myself I was strong enough to carry us both through anything. And I was wrong. I lost patience. I lost...”
“No. I was lost, Matt.” She tipped her head back to meet his eyes, and reached up to tenderly stroke his cheek. “I should have held on to you until I found myself again,” she said softly.
“Perhaps it was better for you to have a breathing space,” he excused, so relieved the rift was over he was happy to excuse anything.
Her eyes were eloquently grateful for his understanding. “I was so afraid I’d hurt you too much and you wouldn’t let me into your heart again.”
“You’ve never been out of it, Peta. Not from the moment we met,” he answered simply.
“The moment?” She looked amazed.
He smiled in sure self-knowledge. “My life instantly started to revolve around you. When you stopped Father O’Malley from continuing the wedding ceremony, I almost died of a heart attack, then and there.”
She shook her head in bemusement. “I was determined to marry you, no matter what. My mind got it right, Matt.” She grimaced. “Unfortunately, my heart didn’t catch up with it until I realised how empty my life was without you.”
“It’s okay.” He grinned, brimming with happiness. “All I care about is having you with me again.”
“It will be better this time around,” she promised fervently.
He cocked a teasing eyebrow. “I don’t know that some things can be bettered.”
She laughed and wiggled provocatively. “I told Rita we weren’t to be disturbed.”
“How thoughtful of you!” She was deliberately inciting arousal. Not that Matt needed encouragement. But it was great she had no inhibitions about showing him he was wanted as well as loved. “And did Rita agree to this arrangement?”
“No question about it.” Her eyes flirted wantonly with his. “She said you were working yourself to death and needed to be saved.”
“And did she say she’d hold the fort until the rescue mission was completed?” Matt slid a hand around to free the buttons on her blouse. “It may take some time. You have a desperately hungry man here.”
Her hand started burrowing between them at waist level. “I’m ready for emergency action.” Her eyes danced wickedly. “In fact, I came prepared for it.”
“You did?” he quizzed, enjoying the banter, loving her boldness, revelling in the excitement it generated.
She grinned. “I’m not wearing pants.”