Page 3 of In Need of a Wife
‘Thank you for playing with Bonnie.’
‘Can we play again another time?’ he asked.
‘I’m afraid not.’ She saw the disappointment in his eyes. ‘I’m sorry,’ she added, then turned quickly and walked away, wondering how different their lives might have become if she could have given another answer.
In her abstraction she did not see the figure striding across the park on an intercepting course.
‘Sasha!’ he called.
She heard the strident anger in the voice. It arrested her mid-step. She turned towards the source, knowing already what she was about to see, knowing she was about to be involved in another confrontation, this one much more serious than the minor skirmish she had just played out with Nathan Parnell.
She knew the owner of the voice.
It belonged to Tyler Cullum.
SASHA watched Tyler approach. She had once thought him sexy, but now she saw him as nothing more than a slick sophisticate, consumed with self-interest. He was more smoothly handsome than Nathan Parnell, conscious of the latest fashions, stylishly lean, and affecting a temperamental moodiness that he considered artistic.
Why she suddenly thought of Nathan Parnell as warm and honest and earthy, she didn’t know. Contrast, she supposed. Nathan Parnell was a bigger man, his strongly boned face marked with expressive character lines, his dark hair an unruly toss of waves that looked finger-combed, if combed at all. There was nothing artificial about him. He was comfortable with who and what he was and not frightened to lay that out to anyone else.
Sasha told herself she had nothing to be frightened of, either. She didn’t have to please or appease Tyler any more. She was free to be herself and go her own way.
But all her fine resolutions didn’t stop her stomach from twisting into a knot of apprehension as Tyler came to a halt in front of her. She stared defiantly into stormy grey eyes, deciding she had a definite preference for vivid blue.
‘You could have told your parents which park you were going to,’ Tyler sniped. ‘This is the third one I’ve had to look through.’
‘I don’t understand what you’re doing here, Tyler,’ she said truthfully. ‘You were glad to see us leave a week ago.’
He made a visible effort to control his irritation. ‘Well, I was wrong, Sasha. Now that I’ve had time to think about it...’
‘I’ve had time to think about it, too. I wasn’t wrong, Tyler. For me, it’s finished.’
‘You’re being unreasonable, Sasha. Just because I’m not as patient as you are with Bonnie...’
Her expressive dark eyes flashed contempt at his hypocritical excuse. It forced Tyler to a concession.
‘All right. I’m sorry for blowing up, but she was driving me nuts.’
‘She won’t any more. If you’ll excuse us...’
Before she could move, Tyler stepped forward and snatched her carrier bag out of her hold. ‘You’re not going anywhere until we’ve talked this out.’
Sasha fought to remain calm, disdaining any attempt to retrieve the bag. ‘Talking won’t make any difference to my decision, Tyler.’
She saw the struggle on his face. He found it difficult to accept that she could actually walk away from him without a backward glance. ‘Listen to me, Sasha,’ he demanded, mollifying the demand with a cajoling tone. ‘I miss you. I even miss the baby. The apartment feels empty without you.’
The glib persuasion didn’t have the substance to reach past other memories. Sasha eyed him with bleak weariness. ‘What you’re missing, Tyler, is a convenience you’ve got used to. Find another woman to look after your needs. The one you tumbled in your studio might oblige.’
It riled him. ‘I told you that was a one-off thing.’
‘You’re free to do whatever you like with whomever you like, Tyler. But not with me and Bonnie.’
His temper flared. ‘I came to say I was sorry. What more do you want?’
‘Nothing. There’s nothing I want from you, except for you to go away and leave us alone.’ She held out her hand for the bag. ‘Please?’
He ignored the appeal