Page 50 of In Need of a Wife
‘There’s a way.’
‘I don’t want you to mess up my life.’
‘Mine’s already messed up.’
‘That’s your fault.’
‘Kiss me.’
‘The children...’
‘...won’t see a thing.’ He eased her back against the kitchen sink.
‘You know what this leads to,’ Sasha protested, aware of the thrill of excitement already quivering down her thighs.
bsp; ‘Only a kiss.’
‘As long as it lasts to the end of time.’
‘If you sign the papers I’ll go and see Tyler.’
She grabbed up the pen again. ‘This is only to get rid of you.’
‘Here’s the line.’
‘This is an application to marry under special licence!’
‘Covering all eventualities.’
She eyed him in alarm. When needs must...the words echoed through her mind. Was he the reincarnation of his great-grandfather? ‘I haven’t said yes yet.’
‘This is not a contract. It’s an application that can always be nullified.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘I’ll write that on it. This application can be nullified at any time.’
‘Fine. It’s always best to be cautious.’
Sasha was. Particularly over this point. Nathan had a definite tendency to take the law into his own hands.
‘Thank you, my love.’ He whipped the papers away the moment she’d finished writing, stole a quick kiss on her lips, then was off. ‘I’ll be back as soon as I’ve got Tyler lined up.’
‘For what?’ Sasha called after him.
‘Best you don’t know.’
He was gone.
Sasha couldn’t follow him. The children needed her supervision. So she stewed over the plan, whatever it might be, for a considerable amount of time. Then she gave up on it. Nathan Parnell was a law unto himself. She might as well get used to living dangerously. He had certainly spoiled her for any other man.