Page 10 of The Black Moth

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Page 10 of The Black Moth

"You put this--this monstrosity--out for _me_ to wear?" in awful tones.

Jim eyed the waistcoat gloomily and nodded.

"Yes, sir."

"Did I not specify cream ground?"

"Yes, sir. I thought--I thought that 'twas cream!"

"My good friend, it is--it is--I cannot say what it is. And pea-green!"he shuddered. "Remove it."

Jim hurried forward and disposed of the offending garment.

"And bring me the broidered satin. Yes, that is it. It is particularlypleasing to the eye."

"Yes, sir," agreed the abashed Jim.

"You are excused this time," added my lord, with a twinkle in his eye."What are our two friends doing?"

Salter went back to the window

"They've gone into the house, sir. No, here's the spider gentleman! Hedo seem in a hurry, your honour!"

"Ah!" murmured his lordship. "You may assist me into this coat. Thanks."

With no little difficulty, my lord managed to enter into the fine satingarment, which, when on, seemed moulded to his back, so excellently didit fit. He shook out his ruffles and slipped the emerald ring on to hisfinger with a slight frown.

"I believe I shall remain here some few days," he remarked presently."To--ah--allay suspicion." He looked across at his man as he spoke,through his lashes.

It was not in Jim's nature to inquire into his master's affairs, muchless to be surprised at anything he might do or say. He was content toreceive and promptly execute his orders, and to worship Carstares with adog-like devotion, following blindly in his wake, happy as long as hemight serve him.

Carstares had found him in France, very down upon his luck, having beendischarged from the service of his late master owing to the pennilesscondition of that gentleman's pocket. He had engaged him as his ownpersonal servant, and the man had remained with him ever since, provingan invaluable acquisition to my Lord John. Despite a singularly woodencountenance, he was by no means a fool, and he had helped Carstares outof more than one tight corner during his inglorious and foolhardy careeras highwayman. He probably understood his somewhat erratic master betterthan anyone else, and he now divined what was in his mind. He returnedthat glance with a significant wink.

"'Twas them gentlemen ye held up to-day, sir?" he asked, jerking anexpressive thumb towards the window.

"M'm. Mr. Bumble Bee and friend. It would almost appear so. I think I donot fully appreciate Mr. Bumble Bee. I find his conduct rather tiresome.But it is just possible that he thinks the same of me. I will further myacquaintance with him."

Jim grunted scornfully, and an inquiring eye was cocked at him.

"You do not admire our friend? Pray, do not judge him by his exterior.He may possess a beautiful mind. But I do not think so. N-no, I reallydo not think so." He chuckled a little. "Do you know, Jim, I believe Iam going to enjoy myself to-night!"

"I don't doubt it, your honour. 'Twere child's play to trick the fatgentleman."

"Probably. But it is not with the fat gentleman that I shall have todeal. 'Tis with all the officials of this charming town, an I mistakenot. Do I hear the small spider returning?"

Salter stepped back to the window.

"Ay, sir--with three others."

"Pre-cisely. Be so good as to hand me my snuff-box. And my cane. Thankyou. I feel the time has now come for me to put in an appearance. Pray,bear in mind that I am new come from France and journey by

easy stagesto London. And cultivate a stupid expression. Yes, that will doexcellently."

Jim grinned delightedly; he had assumed no expression of stupidity, andwas consequently much pleased with this pleasantry. He swung open thedoor with an air, and watched "Sir Anthony" mince along the passage tothe stairs.

In the coffee-room the city merchant, Mr. Fudby by name, was relatingthe story of his wrongs, with many an impressive pause, and muchemphasis, to the mayor, town-clerk, and beadle of Lewes. All three hadbeen fetched by Mr. Chilter, his clerk, in obedience to his orders, forthe bigger the audience the better pleased was Mr. Fudby. He was nowenjoying himself quite considerably, despite the loss of his preciouscash-box.

So was not Mr. Hedges, the mayor. He was a fussy little man who sufferedfrom dyspepsia; he was not interested in the affair, and he did not seewhat was to be done for Mr. Fudby. Further, he had been haled from hisdinner, and he was hungry; and, above all, he found Mr. Fudby veryunattractive. Still, a highroad robbery was serious matter enough, andsome course of action must be thought out; so he listened to the storywith an assumption of interest, looking exceedingly wise, and, at theproper moments, uttering sounds betokening concern.

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