Page 123 of The Black Moth
Carstares was to travel to Wyncham on Monday, arriving there thefollowing evening in company with Andrew, whom he was taking as far asAndover. His lordship had lately embroiled himself in a quarrel over alady when deep in his cups, and owing to the subsequent duel at BarnElms and the almost overpowering nature of his debts, he deemed itprudent to go into seclusion for a spell. Tracy disappeared from town inthe middle of the week, whither no one knew, but it was universallybelieved that he had gone to Scotland on a visit.
Monday at length dawned fair and promising. After bidding his wife avery tender farewell, and gently drying her wet eyelashes with his ownhandkerchief, Richard set out with his brother-in-law in the bigtravelling chaise soon after noon. Andrew had quite recovered hishitherto rather dampened spirits, and produced a dice-box from onepocket and a pack of cards from the other wherewith to beguile thetedium of the journey.
Diana stood in the old oak porch, riding-whip in hand, and the folds ofher voluminous gown over her arm. Miss Betty stood beside her, surveyingher with secret pride.
Diana's eyes seemed darker than ever, she thought, and the mouth moretragic. She knew that the girl was, to use her own expression, "mopingquite prodigiously for that Mr. Carr." Not all that she could do toentertain Diana entirely chased away the haunting sadness in her face;for a time she would be gay, but afterwards the laughter died away andshe was silent. Many times had Miss Betty shaken her fist at the absentJohn.
Presently Diana gave a tiny sigh, and looked down at her aunt, smiling.
"You would be surprised how excellently well Harper manages the horses,"she said. "He is quite a godsend. So much nicer than that stupidWilliam."
"Indeed, yes," agreed Miss Betty. "Only think, my dear, he was groom toSir Hugh Grandison--I saw the letter Sir Hugh writ your Papa--aremarkable elegant epistle, I assure you, my love."
Diana nodded and watched the new groom ride up, leading her mount. Hejumped down, and, touching his hat, stood awaiting his mistress'spleasure.
Diana went up to the cob, patting his glossy neck.
"We are going towards Ashley to-day, aunt," she said. "I am so anxiousto find some berries, and Harper tells me they grow in profusion not farfrom here."
"Now, my dear, pray do not tire yourself by going too far--I doubt itwill rain before long and you will catch your death of cold!"
Diana laughed at her.
"Oh, no, aunt! Why, the sky is almost cloudless! But we shall not belong, I promise you. Only as far as Crossdown Woods and back again."
She gave her foot to the groom just as Mr. Beauleigh came out to watchher start.
"Really, my dear, I must ride with you to-morrow," he told her. "'Tis anage since we have been out together."
"Why, Papa, will you not accompany me this afternoon?" cried Dianaeagerly. "I should so like it!"
It struck her aunt that Harper awaited the answer to this questionrather anxiously. She watched him, puzzled. However, when Mr. Beauleighhad refused she could not see any change in his expression, andconcluded that she must have been mistaken.
So with a wave of her hand, Diana rode away, the groom following at arespectful distance. Yet somehow Miss Betty was uneasy. A presentimentof evil seemed to touch her, and when the riders had disappeared round abend in the road she felt an insane desire to run after them and callher niece back. She gave herself a little shake, saying that she was afond old woman, over-anxious about Diana. Nevertheless, she laid adetaining hand on her brother's arm as he was about to go indoors.
"Wait, Horace! You--you _will_ ride with Di more frequently, will younot?"
He looked surprised.
"You are uneasy, Betty?"
"Oh--uneasy--! Well, yes--a little. I do not like her to go alone with agroom, and we do not know this man."
"My dear! I had the very highest references from Sir Hugh Grandison,who, I am sure, would never recommend anyone untrustworthy. Why, you sawthe letter yourself!"
"Yes, yes. Doubtless I am very stupid. But you _will_ ride with herafter to-day, will you not?"
"Certainly I will accompany my daughter when I can spare the time," hereplied with dignity, and with that she had to be content.
Diana rode leisurely along the lane, beside great trees and hedges thatwere a blaze of riotous colour. Autumn had turned the leaves dull goldand flame, mellow brown and deepest red, with flaming orangeintermingled, and touches of copper here and there where some beech treestood. The lane was like a fairy picture, too gorgeous to be real; thetrees, meeting overhead, but let the sunlight through in patches, sothat the dusty road beneath was mottled with gold.
The hedges retained their greenness, and where there was a gap a vistaof fields presented itself. And then they came upon a clump of berries,black and red, growing the other side of the little stream thatmeandered along the lane in a ditch. Diana drew up and addressed hercompanion.
"See, Harper--there are berries! We need go no further." She changed thereins to her right hand and made as if to spring down.