Page 135 of The Black Moth
She moved quickly aside, turning her attention once more to the duel bythe window, as Andrew flung his shoulder against the stout wood. At thethird blow the lock gave, the door flew wide, and Lord Andrew wasprecipitated into the room.
And the two by the window fought on unheeding, faster and faster.
"Well, I'm damned!" said Andrew, surveying them. He walked forwardinterestedly, and at the same moment caught sight of Jack's face. Hestared in amazement, and called to Richard.
"Good Lord! Here! Dick! Come here! Surely it's--_who_ is that man?"
Diana saw the tall gentleman, so like her lover in appearance, stepforward to the young rake's side. The next events happened in a flash.She heard a great cry, and before she had time to know what he wasdoing, Richard had whipped his sword from its scabbard and had struck upthe two blades. In that moment the years rolled back, and, recognisinghis brother, Jack gasped furiously:
"Damn--you--Dick! Out--of--the way!"
Tracy stood leaning on his sword, watching, his breath coming in gasps,but still with that cynical smile on his lips.
Richard, seeing that his brother would fly at the Duke again, closedwith him, struggling to wrest the rapier from his weakened grasp.
"You fool, John, leave go! Leave go, I say!"
With a twist he had the sword in his hand and sent it spinning acrossthe room as without a sound my lord crumpled up and fell with a thud tothe floor.
With a smothered cry Diana flew across the room to where my lord lay ina pitiful little heap, but before her was Richard. He fell on his kneesbeside the still figure, feeling for the wound.
Diana, on the other side, looked across at him.
"'Tis his shoulder, sir--an old wound. Oh, he is not--he cannotbe--_dead_?"
Richard shook his head dumbly and gently laid bare the white shoulder.The wound was bleeding very slightly, and they bound it deftly betwixtthem, with their united handkerchiefs and a napkin seized from thetable.
"'Tis exhaustion, I take it," frowned Richard, his hand before the palelips. "He is breathing still."
Over her shoulder Diana shot an order:
"One of you men, please fetch water and cognac!"
"At once, madam!" responded Andrew promptly, and hurried out.
She bent once more over my lord, gazing anxiously into his face.
"He will live? You--are sure? He--he must have rid all the way fromMaltby--for me!" She caught her breath on a sob, pressing one lifelesshand to her lips.
"For you, madam?" Richard looked an inquiry.
She blushed.
"I see," said Richard gravely.
She nodded.
"Yes, and--and the Duke--caught me, and--brought me here--and--and then_he_ came--and saved me!"
The air blowing in from the window stirred the ruffles of my lord'sshirt, and blew a strand of her dark hair across Diana's face. Shecaught it back and stared at Richard with a puzzled air.
"Pardon me, sir--but you are so like him!"