Page 142 of The Black Moth
No less worried was Jim Salter. He had returned from Fittering lastnight to find his master and Sir Miles gone, Lady O'Hara in a state offrightened bewilderment, and the house in a whirl. No one, least of allpoor Molly, seemed to know exactly where the two men had gone. All sheknew was that they had come back upon a scene of turmoil, with Mr.Beauleigh in the midst of a small crowd of excited servants. Her husbandhad elbowed his way through, and into his ears had Mr. Beauleigh pouredhis story. Then O'Hara seemed to catch the excitement, and she had beenhurried into the house with the hasty explanation that Jack was offafter Devil, who had caught Diana, and he must to the rescue. Tenminutes after, she had an alarming vision of him galloping off down thedrive, his sword at his side and pistols in the saddle-holsters. Thepoor little lady had sent an imploring cry after him, checked almostbefore it had left her lips. Afterwards she wished it had never beenuttered, and rather hoped that it had escaped O'Hara's ears.
Salter arrived not half-an-hour later, and his feelings when told thathis beloved master had ridden off in search of a fight, may be moreeasily imagined than described. He was all for setting out in his wake,but her ladyship strongly vetoed the plan, declaring that Sir Mileswould be rescue enough, and she was not going to be left entirelywithout protectors. Jim was far too respectful to point out that therewere five able-bodied men, not counting himself, in the house, but ashis master had left no instructions for him, he capitulated.
He proved nought but a Job's comforter next day, for when my ladypessimistically premised that both Carstares _and_ her husband wereundoubtedly hurt, he did not, as she expected he would, strive toreassure her, but gave a gloomy assent. Whereupon she cast an indignantglance in his direction, and turned her back.
At four in the afternoon they were both in the hall, anxiously watchingthe drive.
"To be sure, 'tis monstrous late!" remarked Molly, with wide,apprehensive eyes.
"Yes, my lady."
"If--if nought were amiss, they should have been back by now, surely?"
"Yes indeed, my lady."
Lady O'Hara stamped her foot.
"Don't say jes!" she cried.
Jim was startled.
"I beg pardon, m'lady?"
"You are not to say yes! After all, they may have gone a longway--they--er--they may be tired! Jenny may have gonelame--anything--anything may have happened!"
"Yes, m'--I mean certainly, your ladyship!" hastily amended Jim.
"In fact, I should not be surprised an they were not at all hurt!"
He shook his head despondently, but luckily for him the lady failed tonotice it, and continued with airy cheerfulness:
"For my husband has _often_ told me what an excellent swordsman Mr.Carstares is, and--"
"Your ladyship forgets his wound."
What she might have been constrained to reply to this is not known, forat that moment came the sound of coach-wheels on the gravel. With oneaccord she and Salter flew to the door, and between them, wrenched itopen, just as a gentleman's travelling coach, postillioned by men ingold and black, and emblazoned with the Wyncham arms, drew up at thedoor.
My lady was down the steps in the twinkling of an eye, almost before oneof the grooms had opened the door to offer an arm to my lord. Carstaressprang lightly out, followed by O'Hara, seemingly none the worse forwear.
Molly ran straight into her husband's arms, regardless of the servants,hugging him.
Jim Salter hurried up to my lord.
"Ye are not hurt, sir?" he cried.
Carstares handed him his hat and cloak.
"Nought to speak of, Jim. But 'Everard' well-nigh finished me for allthat!" He laughed at Jim's face of horror, and turned to Molly, who,having satisfied herself that her husband was quite uninjured and hadnever once been in danger of his life, had come towards him, full ofsolicitude for his shoulder.
"Oh, my dear Jack! Miles tells me you have hurt your poor shoulderagain! And pray what has been done for it? I dare swear not one of yougreat men had the wit to summon a doctor, as indeed you should have,for--"
"Whist now, asthore!" adjured her husband. "'Tis but a clean scratchafter all. Take him into the house and give him something to drink! I'llswear 'tis what he needs most!"
Molly pouted, laughed and complied.
Over the ale Jack related the whole escapade up to the moment when hehad parted from Diana at Littledean. Then O'Hara took up the tale with adelightful chuckle.
"Sure, Molly, ye never saw anything to equal poor old Beauleigh when hisdaughter had told him Jack's name! Faith, he didn't know what to do atall, he was so excited! And Miss Betty I thought would have the vapoursfrom the way she flew from Di to Jack and back again, in such a state ofmind as ye can't imagine!"