Page 24 of The Black Moth
Lady Lavinia dressed herself with even more than her usual care nextafternoon, and well-nigh drove her maid distracted by her flashes oftemper and impatient, contradictory orders. So lengthy was the toiletthat she was only just in her boudoir when his Grace of Andover wasannounced. She had no time to tell the footman that she would receivehis Grace, for almost before the words were out of James' mouth, hestood bowing in the doorway, sure of his welcome.
He was curiously like his sister, this man, and at the same timecuriously unlike. Hers were the high cheek-bones and pinched,aristocratic nostrils, but the mouth with its thin lips, and theheavy-lidded green eyes, were totally different. His Grace's browsslanted up at the corners, and his eyes, though piercing and bright,were constantly veiled by the black-lashed lids. He wore his own blackhair, unpowdered, and that, together with the black and silver garmentsthat he always affected, greatly enhanced the natural pallor of hiscountenance. Altogether it was a very striking figure that stood justbefore the closed white door and bowed to my lady.
Lavinia took an eager step towards him, swinging her pearl-greybrocades.
"Oh, Tracy!" she cooed, holding out both hands.
His Grace advanced into the room and bent low over them.
"I rejoice to find you within, Lavinia," he said, a faint tinge ofsarcasm running through his smooth tones. "As you perceive, I rodeover." He made a gesture towards his high boots with theirwicked-looking spurs. "No doubt Andrew forgot to give you my letter?"
"No," she said, slipping her hand in his arm. "He remembered in time,and--oh, Tracy, I was so vastly delighted to have it!"
"I am indeed honoured," he replied. "I am come on a sufficientlyimportant matter."
"Oh!" She pulled her hand away disappointedly. "Money!"
"You are really wonderful, my dear. As you so crudely remark--money!Will you not be seated?"
She sank down on the couch dejectedly and watched him take a chairopposite her.
"Your most noble lord and master lent me a trifling sum the other day,but very trifling. I am, as usual, hard-pressed. And that young foolAndrew must needs fall into debt."
My lady opened wide her eyes in surprise.
"Do you tell me you need money from Richard to pay Andrew's debts?" sheasked, frankly incredulous.
"I do not. Is it likely? The remark was purely by the way."
"Well, in any case, Andrew borrowed three thousand from poor Dick onlyyesterday. I know, because I heard him speak of it."
His Grace raised his black brows in patient exasperation.
"How unnecessary of Andrew! And how typical! So 'poor Dick' has beensqueezed already?"
"Don't speak like that, Tracy!" she cried. "Dicky is good to me!" Shemet his piercing look unflinchingly.
"Now this becomes interesting," drawled the Duke. "Since when have youcome to that conclusion? And why this sudden loyalty?"
"I have _always_ been loyal to him, Tracy! You know I have! I worryhim--and indeed he is very forbearing."
"But how charming of him!"
"No, do not sneer, Tracy! He has promised to take me to London for thewhole winter--"
His Grace leant back in his chair again.
"Now I understand," he said placidly. "I was at a loss before."
"'Tis not that, Tracy! Indeed I realise how kind he is to me. And wehave quarrelled again. We are always quarrelling, and I know 'tis all myfault."
"What a comfortable conviction, my dear!"
"No, no! 'Tis not comfortable, Tracy! For somehow I cannot change mydisposition, though I _mean_ to be patient and sweet. Tracy, I hateWyncham!"