Page 3 of The Black Moth
"I am come, my lord, to inform you that the Earl, your father, died amonth since."
The blue eyes widened, grew of a sudden hard, and narrowed again.
"Is that really so? Well, well! Apoplexy, I make no doubt?"
The lawyer's lips twitched uncontrollably.
"No, Master Jack; my lord died of heart failure."
"Say you so? Dear me! But will you not be seated, sir? In a moment myservant will have induced the _chef_ to serve dinner. You will honourme, I trust?"
The lawyer murmured his thanks and sat down on the settle, watching theother with puzzled eyes.
The Earl drew up a chair for himself and stretched his foot to the fire.
"Six years, eh? I protest 'tis prodigious good to see your face again,Mr. Warburton.... And I'm the Earl? Earl and High Toby, by Gad!" Helaughed softly.
"I have here the documents, my lord...."
Carstares eyed the roll through his quizzing glass.
"I perceive them. Pray return them to your pocket, Mr. Warburton."
"But there are certain legal formalities, my lord--"
"Exactly. Pray do not let us mention them!"
"But, sir!"
Then the Earl smiled, and his smile was singularly sweet and winning.
"At least, not until after dinner, Warburton! Instead, you shall tell mehow you found me?"
"Mr. Richard directed me where to come, sir."
"Ah, of course! I had forgot that I told him my--_pied-a-terre_ when Iwaylaid him."
The lawyer nearly shuddered at this cheerful, barefaced mention of hislordship's disreputable profession.
"Er--indeed, sir. Mr. Richard is eager for you to return."
The handsome young face clouded over. My lord shook his head.
"Impossible, my dear Warburton. I am convinced Dick never voiced sofoolish a suggestion. Come now, confess! 'tis your own fabrication?"
Warburton ignored the bantering tone and spoke very deliberately.
"At all events, my lord, I believe him anxious to make--amends."
Carstares shot an alert, suspicious glance at him.
"Yes, sir. Amends."
My lord studied his emerald with half-closed eyelids.
"But why--amends, Warburton?" he asked.