Page 44 of The Black Moth
"I will not then, asthore. I'll be sending him to await the Assizes."
"You are very cruel, then."
"But, me darlin'--"
"And I wish to get off your knee." He drew her close.
"I'll see what can be done for your protege, Molly. But don't beforgetting he tried to kill the only husband you have!" He watched theeffect of this with that humorous twinkle in his eye. But my lady wasnot to be put off.
"With an empty pistol? Fie on you, Miles! And may I hide behind thescreen while you question him?"
"Ye may not."
"But I wish so much to see him!"
O'Hara shook his head with an air of finality she knew full well.However easy-going and good-natured her husband might be, there weretimes when he was impervious to all blandishments. So after darklyhinting that she would be nearer than he imagined, she gave up thecontest to go and visit young Master David in his nursery.
* * * * *
For some time in lock-up Carstares had cudgelled his brain to think outa possible mode of escape next day, but try as he might he could lighton nothing. If only Miles were not to question him! It was hardly likelythat he would be allowed to retain his mask, yet therein lay his onlychance of preserving his incognito. He prayed that by some mercifulprovidence O'Hara would either fail to recognise him or would at leastpretend that he did not. Having decided that there was nothing furtherto be done in the matter he lay down on his extremely hard pallet, andwent to sleep as if he had not a care in the world.
Next morning, after a long and wordy argument with the head gaoler onthe subject of masks, he was haled in triumph to the house.
bsp; As the little cavalcade was about to ascend the steps that led to thefront door, my Lady O'Hara came gaily forth carrying a basket and a pairof scissors, and singing a snatch of song. At the sight of thehighwayman the song broke off and her red lips formed a long-drawn "Oh!"She stood quite still on the top step, gazing down at my lord. The twogaolers stood aside to allow her to come down, just as a greyhounddarted up the steps and flung itself against her in an exuberance ofjoy. My lady, none too securely balanced, reeled; the basket fell fromher arm, her foot missed the next step, and she tumbled headlong down.But in the flash of an eyelid Carstares had sprung forward and receivedher in his arms. He lowered her gently to the ground. "I trust you arenot hurt, madam?" he asked, and retrieved her basket, handing it to her.
Molly took it with a smile.
"I thank you sir, not at all; though I fear I should have injured myselfquite considerably had you not been so swift in catching me. 'Twas mostkind of you, I am sure!" She extended her small hand, and her eyesdevoured him.
For a moment my lord hesitated, and then, sweeping off his hat, he bowedlow over the hand.
"'Twas less than nothing, madam," he said in his own cultivated voice."I beg you will dismiss it from your mind." He straightened himself asthe gaolers came forward, and put on his hat again.
Lady O'Hara stepped aside and watched them disappear into the house. Hercheeks were rather flushed, and her eyes suspiciously bright. Suddenlyshe nodded her head decisively, and throwing away her luckless basket,hurried across the lawn and entered the house through a long window.
My lord was conducted to the library, where O'Hara sat awaiting him, andslouched forward with his hands thrust deep into his pockets and his hatstill on his head.
The head gaoler eyed him gloomily, and looked pained when Carstares withstudied boorishness leaned carelessly against a fine carved table.
"We 'ave refrained from 'andcuffin' pris'ner, sir, at your horders," hesaid, in a tone that warned O'Hara that should harm come of it, on hishead be the blame.
Miles nodded.
"Quite right," he said pleasantly, and glanced at the cloaked and maskedfigure before him with more suspicion than ever.
"But I regrets to 'ave to report very hobstinate be'aviour on part ofpris'ner, sir," added the gaoler impressively.
"Indeed?" said Miles gravely. "How so?"
Jack controlled an insane desire to laugh, and listened to the gaoler'scomplaint.
"You see the pris'ner, sir, with that great mask on 'is face? Afore weset out to come 'ere, I told 'im to take it hoff. And 'e refoosed, sir.Seeing as 'ow you gave no horders, I did not force 'im to hobey."
"Ah! ... Your name, please?"
"John Smith, sir," answered Carstares promptly and hoarsely. O'Harawrote it down with a sceptical smile on his lips that Jack did not quitelike.