Page 191 of Bad Seed
“Yes, Mr. Hart. It’s wonderful to hear from you. How are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m doing great now that I’m looking at your application. I saw your graduation date was today. How did it go?”
“It um—it went well. I got my degree as well as an award for being in the top ten of my class.”
“That’s fantastic. Listen, I was wondering if you would be up for an interview. It’s only with me, and it’ll be quick. We’ve had a flood of people seeking help and we need to hire someone on fast to help with paperwork. It’s a starting position, but it’s still salaried, and you would have the ability to work up to being a full-time counselor.”
“I would love an interview. Yes, sir,” I said, with a smile.
“Okay. Wonderful. It says in your resume that you were graduating with a specific concentration in substance abuse.”
“That is correct.”
“It also says you worked as a personal assistant for Drake Blackthorn?”
“I did yes, for a couple of weeks. Just to get him through his latest miniature tour,” I said.
“And what was the bulk of your job?” he asked.
“I was managing his schedule and I was in the process of setting forth a plan to help him get sober when things went haywire on the road.”
We chatted for a few more minutes and before I knew what was happening, he was asking when I could start.
I sighed as I leaned back into my seat. Now, I knew where the fluttering in my stomach was coming from. This was it. This was happening. A job was coming my way where I could work my way up, have the money I needed to help with the life growing in my body, and make a new way for myself.
“I can start Monday,” I said.
“Perfect. Come in Monday at eight thirty so we can get your new employee paperwork filled out and signed, then I’ll be there to walk you through our systems. It’s a lot of paperwork, but we will get you started and show you the ropes.”
“That sounds wonderful,” I said, with a grin.
“See you Monday, Miss Jakobson.”
“Thank you, Mr. Hart.”
I hung up the phone and started squealing. I clapped my hands and bounced around in my seat as I cheered myself on. I had done it. I had found a job I could be proud of. No more dealing with asshole clients and people who couldn’t manage their time. No more walking into that office and looking at the seat Drake had been sitting in two months ago. No more sitting in my apartment working from my laptop trying to make ends meet.
This was my new start.
As I backed out of the parking lot, I passed by the lawn of the building I had been in only hours ago. I couldn’t believe Drake had been there. Who in the world invited him? I had so many unanswered questions as to why he was there or how he even knew my graduation was taking place, but none of that mattered now. I was about to start my new life away from the superstar that had flipped my world upside down.
And maybe it was for the better.
As hard as it was to resist him, maybe I was better off without him.
I drove back to my apartment, collecting my thoughts and hoping Drake had left. I didn’t see the truck we had driven here in, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wanted to have the weekend to purge him from my home and get myself ready for work. I wanted to take a couple of days and not focus on anything else but my budget, my new job, and how I was going to break everything to my boss.
But when I got to the front door of my apartment, there something waiting for me.
I picked up the box sitting in front of my home and fingered the satin wrapping paper. It was shiny and eye-catching. I removed the paper carefully and opened the box, and inside was the most beautiful bouquet of lilies I had ever seen. They smelled wonderful as I placed my
nose up to their blooms, the box dropping to my feet. I held them close to me, losing myself in the smell of them as I smiled into the blossoms.
I reached down for the box and picked it up. I fiddled with my keys to try and get back into my apartment, but something falling to the ground caught my ear. I nudged the box through the front door with my foot, then reached down and picked up the envelope that had fluttered to the ground.
Opening the letter as I walked inside, my back falling against the door as I held the lilies close to my chest.
I’m not done with you yet.