Page 227 of Bad Seed
“Break it up, you two,” Stone said.
“Let us eat first. Damn,” Landon said.
“Leave them alone. It’s a big night for them,” Paul said.
Promises of what was to come hung heavily in my mind as we ate pizza, laughed until we were hoarse, and bonded with those we cared about most. I stayed by Drake’s side and kept up with the conversation, and even got into some insightful and deep discussions with both Stone and Landon. My fingertips circled around the ring on my hand, my mind still trying to digest the whirlwind of events that had just transpired.
But nothing could have sunk it in more than hearing those three little words whispered into my ear.
“I love you,” Drake said.
I nuzzled the side of my head into his lips as he puckered them, gracing the shell of my ear with his warmth.
“I love you, too,” I said, as my body leaned into his. “Forever.”
Five months later
Drake had received an award for his new acoustic album and we were heading home from the ceremony. I was eight months pregnant and huge, but Drake still found me irresistible. We were in the limo and had barely gotten the door closed before he was all over me.
I giggled as he peppered my neck with kisses. “I can’t believe you still want to touch me. I look like a whale,” I said.
Drake pulled his head back and looked me square in the eye. “No, you look like the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. And you are carrying my child, which makes you even sexier.”
I smiled up at him and pulled him in for a kiss. His hand slid up under my dress and his fingers trailed up my inner thigh. I stopped and sat upright for a moment, feeling a strange sensation. I pushed Drake’s hand away and winced.
I was flooded with a warmth between my thighs that dripped all the way down my legs.
“Delia?” he asked. “Are you feeling okay?”
I felt another gush as a searing pain ripped through my back.
“Ooooh no,” I said, as I leaned up. “Oh no. Drake.”
My water had broken.
Holy shit.
I looked over at Drake as he rose up from the seat and I gathered my dress up my thighs. He opened the partition and gave the driver
some directions, and before I knew it the limo was whipping a u-turn in the middle of the road.
“What do you need from me? Are you remembering to breathe? Sweetheart, tell me what I can do,” Drake said.
“I need you to call Paul. My hospital bag is in our room. The—shit!”
I drew in a deep breath as Drake ripped his phone from his pocket.
“Paul? It’s me. Yes, yes, yes, the speech was good. Listen to me, Delia’s in labor. Yes, labor. In the limo. We’re headed for the—yes. Her bag. It’s in our room, it’s—?”
“Pink and yellow,” I said. “By the—door!”
“A pink and yellow bag by the door in our room, Paul. Get it to the hospital. Yep. Thanks, man.”
Drake hung up the phone before he slid his body behind mine. He pressed his hands into the dimples in my lower back, trying to alleviate some of the pain. Fluid was still leaking down my legs as I kept them spread, my body in agonizing pain. I yelled out in the back of the limo as the driver kept calling out how many minutes we were from the hospital.