Page 32 of Hostile Takeover
“I’ll be up there in a minute, but right now I see something I wanna get next to,” Bobby said, and we separated.
I made my way through the crowd, looking at the women and my money along the way. When I got close to Roscoe’s office, I could hear a woman screaming; “Stop!”
I tried the doorknob, but naturally, it was locked. I started to mind my business and walk away, but the woman started screaming; “Help! Somebody help me!”
I took a step back and put my shoulder to the door. Roscoe had a woman pinned to his desk while he fucked her. She was beating him in the chest, trying to make him stop. Her clothes were torn and her face was badly beaten.
“What the fuck!” he shouted when he saw me.
“Help me, please! He’s raping me!” she screamed.
I rushed to the desk and pulled him off her.
“What the fuck are you doing, Black?” Roscoe yelled.
I punched him in the face and he went down.
When I did, the woman hopped up from the desk and got a gun out of Roscoe’s drawer.
“Mutha Fucka!” She screamed pointed the gun and emptied the clip in Roscoe.
Chapter Twelve
Even though the clip was empty, she was still squeezing the trigger. I reached out and grabbed her by the arm.
“It’s okay. It’s over now,” I said, and eased the gun out of her shaking hand. I took off my coat and wrapped it around her. “It’s okay. He can’t hurt you anymore.”
She had definitely seen to that. I held her in my arms and she started to cry harder.
“I told him no. I told him that I was just here to dance, but he wouldn’t listen to me,” she cried.
“It’s gonna be okay. I got you now,” I said, and held her tighter.
“What the fuck?”
I turned around and saw that Bobby was standing in the doorway. After he looked in the hallway, Bobby closed the door and locked it.
“What happened?”
“That mutha fucka raped me!” the woman yelled through her tears.
Bobby looked at me. “So you killed him?”
I shook my head and pointed at her. “She did,” I said and looked down at Roscoe’s body.
She was shaking like a leaf now, but her hands weren’t shaking when she shot him, because she didn’t miss a single shot. Every bullet hit center mass.
“Get her outta here, Bobby.”
“Where you want me to take her?”
I thought for a second. “You remember Carmelita?”
“No, which one was she?”
“You used to drop me off there all the time.”
Bobby just looked at me. “Which one was she?”