Page 36 of Hostile Takeover
“I want you to do something for me.”
“What you need?”
“Hit the streets. If we gotta go to the mattresses, I need to know where people stand.”
“I’m on it, Black,” Freeze said, and left The Late Night.
One thing I gotta say about The Kid, he’s a loyal soldier. I tell him to do something and it gets done, no questions asked. I could use a bunch more like him, and if we were going to war with Bodie, I was going to need them.
I was on my way to the office, when I saw somebody standing at the bar that I definitely wanted to see, so I began making my way over there to her. On the way to the bar, I saw Hector Villanueva. He was a drug dealer that brought product from André when he couldn’t find it any place else.
“What’s up, Black?” Hector said.
“What’s up?”
“You seen André? I was supposed to meet him here.”
“Haven’t seen him,” I said, knowing full well Andre’ never planned to meet him here because he doesn’t like Hector, and I kept going to the bar.
When I got there, she smiled and waved when she saw me. “Hi, Mike.”
“Surprised to see me?”
“Yes, I am,” I said as Sammy brought me a shot of Rémy Martin. “Surprised that you’re here and I’m happy about it.”
“I did say that I wanted to see you again, so here I am.”
“Here you are.” Other than her being fine as hell and I wanted to fuck her again, the fact that she wouldn't tell me her name was what interested me. “But what I want to know is, since you’re here, do you plan on telling me your name?”
She laughed.
“I’ll take that as a no,” I said, and stepped a little closer to her. “But I gotta call you something.”
“I tell you what, you can call me whatever you want,” she said, and took a step closer to me.
“Whatever I want, huh?”
She looked up into my eyes. “So what do you want to call me?”
“Suppose I wanted to call you mine? Would you tell me your name then?”
“Do you want me to be yours?”
“I did say suppose, didn’t I?” I said, and I noticed that Bobby had come in with Nick and Jamaica.
“See there.”
“What?” I laughed. “Answer the question.”
She took a second or two before she answered. “If I were yours, and you were mine, yeah, I guess I would have to tell you what my name is. But that’s not the case here is it?”
I laughed.
“I think that you’re more of a mine tonight and we’ll see about tomorrow kind of guy. Am I right?”
“All I can say is be mine now and we’ll talk about tomorrow in the morning.”