Page 40 of Hostile Takeover
“You think we need to get her some help?” I asked.
“You talking about rehab?”
“I don’t think we’re at that point yet,” Wanda said as Freeze came in.
“What’s up Black? What’s up, Wanda?”
“What’s the word?”
“Most people say they gonna sit it out and see what happens. Sherman, Howard, Drew and Whitey are with you. The only ones with Bodie are Emmett and Dayton.”
I nodded. “That means that we should have him out manned and hopefully out gunned.”
nbsp; “Or you could try sitting down with him. But this seems to be how you want it, so I’ll shut up,” Wanda said.
I laughed a little. “What did Sonny say in Godfather one, no more advice on how to patch things up. Just help me win.”
She zipped her lips and we all got a good laugh outta that.
It was then that Nick and them came in. While everybody else went to the bar, he came and sat down at the table with us.
“Well?” I asked.
Nick shook his head. “Couldn’t find Bodie anywhere.”
“What about Wes?”
“He’s ghost too. We been rolling around most of the day and we couldn’t find any of his top people anywhere.”
“Maybe they already went to the mattresses,” Wanda said, and I looked at her. She zipped her lips again and smiled at me.
“You all stay on finding Bodie,” I told Nick.
“You got it.”
He went to the bar, poured a shot of Johnny Black, and then Nick headed out with Jamaica, Jap and Kenny.
“What you want me to do, Black?”
“You go back and see Dayton. Convince him that falling in with Bodie is a bad idea,” I said, and Wanda looked at me like I was crazy.
“Understood,” Freeze said and got up to leave.
As he got to the door, Bobby came in. “What’s up, Kid?”
“Sup, Bobby,” he said as he passed.
“Where’s he going?” Bobby said as he sat down.
“He’s going to see Dayton.”
“For what?”
“Dayton said that if we go to war, he’s with Bodie. I sent Freeze to teach him the error in his logic.”