Page 49 of Hostile Takeover
When I got in the car, I told Bobby what was up and he drove like a mad man to get there. Veneshia was standing in the parking lot when we got there.
“Where is he?”
“That nigga is in room 104 with two of our hoes, daddy,” Veneshia said. I hate that she feels the need to call me that, but fuck it.
“How did you find him?”
“He must not know I belong to you now, daddy, because he reached out to me about an hour ago, said he wanted two of your hoes, daddy.” By this time, Bobby had covered his mouth to keep from laughing. “So I got him set up in that room with two of your finest, brought the girls in, made sure he was satisfied with them, and I kept the key,” Veneshia said and handed me the key to the room.
“Come on.” I started walking toward the room thinking that she handled it for me like a good bottom girl was supposed to. I would have to make finding them some place safe to work a priority. I protect what’s mine.
“Yes, daddy,” Veneshia said.
“Right behind you, daddy,” Bobby said, and then laughed.
I looked at Bobby, gave him the finger, put on my gloves and kept walking.
When we got to the room, I opened the door and I sent Veneshia in first. “How you doin’, Bodie?”
He was so busy fucking one, while she had her head buried between the other's thighs, eating the shit out of her pussy, that he didn’t even notice me and Bobby.
“I just wanted to make sure you were enjoying yourself.”
“You’re welcome to join us.”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“But we would.”
At the sound of my voice, Bodie stopped fucking, then he turned slowly and finally saw me and Bobby with our guns pointed at him. He backed out of that pussy and put his hands up.
“Come on, girls,” Veneshia said, and stepped up. “Our daddy got business to take care of with this ugly ass nigga,” Veneshia said and then she began helping the women get dressed and then she ushered them out of the room.
As soon as the door closed, Bobby rushed up and hit Bodie in the face with his gun.
“I hope that you enjoyed it, because it’s the last piece of pussy you ever gonna get,” Bobby said, and kept hitting him in his already busted up face.
While he beat Bodie, I pulled the sheet off the bed and tore it into strips so we could tie him up. By the time Bobby got finished, blood spatter was everywhere and his face was a bloody twisted and distorted mass.
Then Bobby tied his naked ass to a chair and went back to work. I took a seat, because, honestly, I like watching Bobby work. Hell, ain’t nobody better at that shit.
“We ain’t gotta do this, Black!” Bodie yelled as Bobby whaled away. “I’m out! You can have it all.”
“I already got it all. I came to take your life.”
Bobby punched him in the mouth. “Time for you to stop talking now.” I handed Bobby a piece of the sheet and he gagged him. “Thank you, Mike.”
“No problem.”
Once the gag was tied tight, I stepped up. “Can I borrow your knife, Bobby?” Once he handed it to me, I sliced off a piece of Bodie’s ear. “Since you weren’t listening when I told you to have my money,” I said, and I beat Bodie until I had to stop to take a breath.
For the next half hour, me and Bobby took turns beating Bodie. At one point, we thought that either he had passed out or he was dead. Bobby picked up the garbage can, filled it with water and threw it at him, first the water and then the can. The water was to wake that ass up and the can so he’d feel pain. Then we pulled the gag out.
“You can talk now,” Bobby said, and slapped him.
“I want your money, Bodie. Where is it?”
“Come on, Black. You gotta leave me something.”