Page 9 of Hostile Takeover
“The answer is no, but I don’t have to. I trust that Drew knows what's in his self-interest and that he’ll do whatever it takes to protect that interest.”
I knew by now that Drew had to have heard about what happened with Emmet the night before and so had Henderson, whic
h is what I wanted.
“You’re right. If Emmet was true to form—”
“And he always is.”
“He called Henderson crying about us right after he couldn’t get André, so he’ll be expecting us.”
“I don’t think so Bobby, I think that arrogant fuck probably thinks his past relationship with André puts him above everybody else so we won’t try him. But he’s wrong, André don’t give a fuck about him.”
Bobby laughed. “André’s more interested in Henderson’s dick sucking wife,” Bobby said as he pulled in the alley across from The Late Night.
Chapter Three
The Late Night was our private afterhours spot. We didn’t open until one in the morning and you had to be somebody in the game or be with somebody who was somebody or you weren’t getting in. That always left a crowd of wannabes hanging outside so they could be seen, and wishing they could get in. There were so many of them that we opened another spot down the street called the Blue Room, so we could make money on them.
It was just after one and there was already a crowd outside The Late Night. When me and Bobby got out of the car and walked across the street, we were met by the usual chorus of people shouting, what’s up, Black? Or, what’s going on, Bobby?
They all swear they know us. And then there are the women that practically throw themselves at us like we’re rock stars or some shit.
Every now and then, Bobby will pull one or two out of the line and bring them in with him, but I didn’t. Until last week, I had reason not to. This was Carmen’s house and she was the queen here. But I sent Carmen away, so now I don’t. But I had work to do, and I didn’t need to get distracted.
“Hey, Black,” one said shaking her titties at me as I passed.
She was wearing a black silk lace-trim top that barely covered them and black leather jacket and pants that she poured herself into.
“I thought you said you were going to call me?”
“I don’t even remember you,” I said and kept it moving even though she looked good. “But leave your number with The Kid and I’ll get with you.”
“Who’s The Kid?” she shouted.
It was crowded inside like we had been opened for hours. As I made my way through the crowd, I saw Nick and Jamaica and motioned for them to meet me in the office.
“How’d it go with Drew?” Nick asked when he and Jamaica came into the office.
“He said he’s with us, but we’ll see,” I said.
“What’s the word in the street?” Bobby asked.
“Everybody’s talking about what we did at Emmet’s last night,” Nick said.
“Anything worth hearing?” I asked.
“Nothing we didn’t expect. Most people were like, we’ll wait and see what happens.”
“After tonight, there won’t be any questions about it,” Bobby said.
“So we’re on for Henderson tonight?” Jamaica asked.
I nodded. “We’re leaving right now.” I was about to stand up just as there was a knock at the door.
“Who that?” Jamaica shouted.
“It’s The Kid,” he said and Jamaica let him in.