Page 50 of Killing Them Softly
me by the back of my neck, and slides her tongue in my mouth, that makes me so wet. Wetter than I had ever been with either Tyrone or Devin.
I thought back to my college days with Amy. I had been dating guys before she and I got together, and became undercover lovers. But once it began, dating guys was just a front. All I wanted was Amy. I was devastated when she didn’t come back to Syracuse that fall quarter. The only thing that saved me from losing my mind was the attention I was getting from Tyrone.
I knew that I had matured to the point where if Qianna was done with me that I wouldn’t fall part, but right now, I was horny as hell and needed somebody to play with me.
I picked up the phone and was about to press the redial button and call Qianna again, but I dialed Devin’s number instead. It had been so long since I’d called him, I had to think about what his cell number was. While the phone rang, I wondered what I would say to him after all this time. "Hey, Devin, it’s Avonte. I know it’s been a while since I took your call, but my clit is throbbing and I can’t find Qianna. So, since you were my second choice, I decided to call and see if we could meet somewhere." When his voice mail came on, I knew he was done with me, too. I decided to leave a message anyway.
"Hey, Devin, it’s Avonte. I know it’s been a while since we talked, but you were on my mind. Give me a call when you get this message. Maybe we can get together some time soon. Bye."
I pressed end and rolled over in my bed. At this point, I had only two choices: get up, put some clothes on, and go find somebody and hope for the best; or I could handle the job myself. I reached in my nightstand drawer and felt around for my bullet. It had been a while since I had to use it on myself. It had become one of Qianna’s favorite tools to use on me.
I put a few drop of Intrigue on the bullet and spread my legs. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. As the sensation spread over my body, I thought about the last time I made love with Qianna and Devin.
I thought about how Qianna began running her hand across Devin’s erection, and how I took his face into my hands and kissed him. Qianna stroked Devin and he unhooked her bra. As soon as her twins were free, Devin took one of Qianna’s nipples into his mouth. Qianna leaned back on the couch and held Devin’s head in place with one hand, and squeezed her breast with the other. I took Devin into my mouth.
In my mind’s eye, I could see Qianna stand up and wiggle out of her pants. I squeezed my nipple between my thumb and forefinger, and ran the bullet across my lips.
I love the sight of Qianna’s naked body. Her rich brown skin, down on her knees running her hands over my body. I love it when she takes her time and starts from my ankle, along my leg, stopping between my legs. The way she licks my lips and bites lightly on my clit always makes my river flow.
I put the bullet down, and reached between my thighs and fingered my clit with one hand, while squeezing my breast with the other. The thought and visual of Qianna and I sharing Devin came into view. I could see Qianna stroking Devin until he stood up, and she took him into her mouth. He looked down at me and Qianna running our tongues along the sides of his shaft.
I let her have the dick to herself and crawled between her thighs. Then I very deliberately spread Qianna’s lips with my thumb and forefinger, while making small circles around her clit with the tip of my right forefinger. I could feel my tongue sliding inside Qianna and sucking her moist lips gently. Feeling Qianna’s body quiver as I licked her clit with the tip of my tongue. I rubbed her clit and it grew harder. Her thighs pressed together as her body convulsed. I love making her come hard like that, ’cause I know that she’ll return the favor, and do me the same way.
I slid two fingers inside myself as I thought of Devin holding onto my hips, and entering me slowly, while I sucked Qianna’s clit. He got into a long, rhythmic stroke, and watched Qianna squeeze her nipples in the throws of ecstasy. I came when I thought about Qianna grabbing me by the back of my neck, and forcing her tongue in my mouth. And it wasn’t long before my eyes and mouth were wide open, and I was screaming my ass off. I put the bullet back in its case and drifted quietly off to sleep.
* * *
Chapter Twenty-one
When my cell started ringing I looked over at Cutie, and she got out of bed. I looked at the display and figured that it was Devin calling.
"I’m out," he said.
"She’s done," I said, and pressed end.
I’ll be honest; I didn’t think I’d hear from Devin that night. Even though he gave me half the money, I really didn’t think that he was serious about me killin’ his wife. But I guess you never know what kind of hell he was dealin’ wit’, and what he would do to end it. Peace of mind is a hell of a thing.
I rolled out of bed and followed Cutie into the shower. She was hard to resist, lookin’ so sexy wit’ the water rollin’ off her skin, but we had shit to do.
Doin’ the shit was one thing, doin’ it and not gettin’ caught and goin’ to jail for it, was another. I had been down before, and I had no intention of goin’ back. To me, that meant that I couldn’t leave anything that would lead the cops to me. You know, DNA type shit. After Devin dropped off the money, I went out and did a little shoppin’. Our first spot was The Sports Authority on Sixth Avenue. We picked up a couple of vinyl sauna suits, some batting gloves, and ski masks, just in case Devin had it wrong, and the bitch was still awake when I got there.
My next stop was a medical supply store to get some disposable plastic shoe covers, and some plastic gloves. When we got out of the shower both of us put on our plastic gloves. From that point on, there would be no fingerprints on anything we touched. Nothing.
It was after midnight when we drove past the address Devin had given us. "Go around the block again, and park down the street where we can see the house," I told Cutie. I wanted to get a good look at things before I went inside. We had been parked about ten minutes when I saw somebody coming, and they looked like they had come from Devin’s house.
As he got closer, I could see that he was a white boy with blonde hair. Either he was one of Devin’s friends lookin’ for him, or maybe wifey was playin’ while Devin was out the house. Either way, he didn’t need to see us sittin’ there. "Looks like he’s comin’ this way," Cutie said.
"Get down," I said, and we both crouched down in our seats.
The white boy got in a sweet dark blue Benz that was parked in front of us, and drove off. We waited another half-hour after that to be sure he wasn’t coming back, before we got out and moved toward the house. We put on our ski masks and put the batting gloves on over plastic gloves. I put on hers, and then Cutie put on mine.
We went around to the back door and I picked the lock. I looked at Cutie and held my breath, when I turned the doorknob. Since the alarm didn’t go off, we went inside. "You have a look around, I’m goin’ to look in on the Mrs.," I told Cutie, and wondered why I didn’t ask Devin to draw me a little map or something.
Once I found my way to the steps, I went upstairs and found their bedroom. I opened the door slowly and peeked inside. There she was, out like a light, just like Devin said she would be. I went in and stood over her for a while. She was a very pretty woman, but I expected no less for her to be Devin’s wife.
I took my time pullin’ back the covers. "Damn, this bitch is fine as hell," I said softly, and she squirmed a little. It scared me for a second, until I remembered that she was just sleeping, not out cold.