Page 61 of Killing Them Softly
"I’ve got to get a job."
That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Avonte told me that she ain’t never had a job in her life. "Doin’ what?"
"I don’t know, but I’ll find something."
"What you gonna do for money?"
"I got some money saved. I’ll probably have to move out of my apartment, and cut back on some things to make that money last. But I’ll be all right."
"Didn’t you say that he was cheatin’ on you with some blonde bitch, and that he had her all up in your house?"
"That’s right."
"So how can he say that you ain’t gonna get shit ’cause you doin’ the same shit he doin’?"
"That’s just the way it is."
"That shit ain’t right." Especially for me.
"But he says we can talk about it if I meet him tonight at Shooters."
"What’s that?"
"It’s a little bar he hangs out at."
"He just wants some of that pussy."
"Don’t you think I know that? I’m just not going to give him the satisfaction."
This shit is fucked up.
First Devin rolls in here all mad with me over some shit I had nothin’ to do with. It wasn’t my fault that he had to find out wifey was fuckin’ around on him that way. But Avonte not havin’ no fuckin’ money, wasn’t something I wasn’t interested in.
We talked about it for a while longer. Then I took her in the bedroom, and gave her the comfort she came there for. Then I told her that I had some things I needed to take care of, and I would get with her later, and sent Avonte home. I had to do something to get this thing rollin’ back my way.
* * *
Chapter Twenty-five
As soon as the elevator door closed, I punched the wall and regretted it right away. "Ouch." I leaned against the wall shaking my aching hand, and cursing Qianna. But what was I complaining about? I’m the one that told her to invite Avonte over. And she was kinda cute, but that’s not the point. That bitch got some fuckin’ nerve.
How she gonna ask me to leave my own apartment, so some man could come over to bring her money, ’cause she’s too lazy to get up and go get it. And I know the nasty-bitch fucked him. I could smell it in the air as soon as I came through the door.
It is very quickly getting to the point where I can’t take any more of Qianna’s shit. It’s like she has no conscience. It’s all about what she wants, what she needs, and her desires. In spite of the fact that Qianna Patterson is by far the best lover that I’ve ever had, she’s got to go. Just not right away.
Not before I feed this heffa a taste of what she’s been feeding me lately. And I know just the man to kick things off with.
Since I had nowhere to go when Qianna put me out of my own apartment, I walked down the street to Starbucks. While I was sipping latte and nibbling on a cinnamon roll that I didn’t really want, and flipping through a magazine, he called and asked me to go out with him again. Before now, my answer was always, "You know I’m with somebody. And besides you’re married."
But tonight, his answer was a little different. "My status has changed," he said. So since I was mad at Qianna, I told him to meet me at The Boat Basin Cafe.
I got there early and headed straight for the bar. "What can I get for you?" the bartender asked.
"I’ll have an apple martini," I said, and waited for him to get there.
I had just about finished my drink when I heard his voice.