Page 23 of Private Deceptions
Just a salesman, huh. Men will say anything to get some pussy. But the plan is still sound. What salesman could resist a five-car afternoon? So I parked my car, waited long enough for him to get back for his drive, and walked up on the lot. When a short balding white man approached me, I went into my act. "Hi there." Big smile, hand extended, "My name is Patrick Mitchell."
"Well, Mr. Mitchell, what can I show you?"
"Those Cadillac’s there. I need five of them. I was looking for Ben Josephs, is he around?"
"He’s right over there. I’ll get him for you, Sir."
He practically ran to tell him. And good ole Ben did a trot over to me. "Mr. Mitchell." Big smile, breathing hard, hand extended. "I’m Ben Josephs, what can I do for you?" After what Chésará told me about his performance in bed, I had to bite my lip to keep from laughin’ in his face.
"Well, Ben. You don’t mind if I call you Ben?"
"No, Sir. Not at all."
"I run a Limo service and I need to buy five of your Cadillac’s there."
"I’d be happy to show them to you, Sir."
I’ll just bet that you would Ben. To sell me five Cadillac’s you’d probably kiss my ass from here to across the street.
I test drove one car, I liked it, I thought about actually buying it. Then reality set in and I remembered why I was there. I got out and picked another Caddy. Ben went quickly to get the keys. While he was gone I thought again about what I was doing there. The thought had occurred to me that this wasn’t what I was hired to do. Mrs. Childers hired me to find her missing brother. Plain and simple. Not take some low rent blackmailer off her neck.
Mrs. Childers.
I closed my eyes and I could see her sitting in front me. Saw her smile, the need in her voice, calling out to me. Nick. That’s why I was there. As Ben approached I closed my eyes again. This time I saw us naked and making love. Laying on my back with her lay on top of me. I touched her face with both hands and drew her closer. Our lips m
Ben threw me the car keys. "You drive," I said, throwing him back the keys.
"I wanna see if it’s comfortable in the back seat."
"Okay. Yeah, this is for a Limo, right?" Ben asked.
We got in and Ben drove away. "What do you drive, Ben?"
"Black Acura."
"Yeah, boy, the women really go for it."
"Probably the only way a can’t keep it up mutha fucka like you can get a woman."
"What you say to me, nigga?" Old Ben turned around and looked into the barrel of my .9.
"I said, it’s probably the only way a can’t keep it up mutha fucka like you can get a woman."
"Yeah, man, whatever you say. You can have the car. Please, just don’t kill me. I got a family."
"Calm down. I don’t want the car, Ben. But there is something I want from you."
"What, man?"
"You have a picture I want."
"What picture?"