Page 66 of Private Deceptions
"What you think I’m doin’; writin’ a love song?" Freeze turned sharply against traffic, but they stayed right with us. He turned on 222nd and then back onto Boston Road. "You see them?" Freeze demanded to know.
"No, I think you lost them."
"Damn right, I did! I told you I’d lose them!" That was when the back window got shot out.
Freeze turned on Eastchester Road and kept going until he hit Laconia Ave. "I thought we lost them?"
"You did. These are different guys."
"What do you mean, different guys?"
"That it’s not the same guys. It’s a different car. Blue Chevy, coming up on your right." I began firing through the now opened back window. Trying to get them off us. But they kept coming. "Turn here! Try to lose them in the projects!"
Freeze turned on 229th street and drove through Edenwald Projects. "Damn! These guys are good." But he couldn’t shake them. We came out of the projects and back onto Laconia, up 219th and onto Bronxwood Ave.
"Who the fuck are they?" I asked.
"I don’t know. How the fuck should I know?"
"You just lose them." A car pulled out in front of us and we crashed into a parked car. I grabbed the case and we got out blastin’. "This way!"
"I ain’t goin’ down there, there’s dogs down there!"
"Shoot them! Lets go!" I yelled as I started running down the alley.
"Look out!" Freeze yelled. I turned quickly, in time to see that two more guys were shooting at us. I caught one in the shoulder. "Ahhh! Shit!" If I hadn’t turned when Freeze yelled it would have hit me in the chest.
"You hit?"
"Yeah, in the shoulder! I’m all right, keep goin’!"
I could hear the dogs barking in front of us and the guys firing behind us. I started firing in both directions. The barking stopped and the dogs ran in the opposite direction. But the guys kept coming. Freeze ran toward the building and shot the lock off. We ran through the building and out the front door. A car came down the street. Freeze stood in the middle of the street with his gun drawn.
The car stopped in front of him.
"Get out!"
Both doors swung open and the people ran away from the car.
The guys came out the door and opened fire on us again. This time it was Freeze who got hit. He went down.
"Freeze!" I yelled and ran toward him, shooting that semi-auto wildly in their direction.
They took cover.
I kept shootin’.
I pulled Freeze up and pushed him in the car, got in and drove away. I looked over at Freeze. "Where you hit?"
"In the gut! Shit that hurts. They got me in the leg too."
"Who the fuck are they?"
"How many times you gonna ask me that shit? I told you I don’t know."