Page 89 of Private Deceptions
sp; "Rocky?"
"You killed him too, ’cause he sent his boyz after you."
"What about Jett and Monika?"
"I don’t know no damn Jett. And Monika," he licked his lips and smiled a smile that annoyed the fuck out of me. "Shit! I had other plans for her fine ass. So you see my nigga, you the one gonna die for this."
Although I hated to admit it, he had a point. He could still walk away from all this. Leaving me to step off for it.
"Get me a drink, Gee."
Chilly slapped her to the floor and quickly returned his gun to my forehead.
"I said get me a fuckin’ drink."
Figuring it was best to stay low, Gee crawled over to the coffee table and poured him a drink. Gee got to her feet and walked slowly toward him. She reached out to hand him the glass. He took his eyes off me to reach for the glass. "Don’t even think about it."
Gee threw the glass in his eye.
Chilly grabbed his eye.
I went for the gun and knocked it out of his hand. It fell to the floor. He punched me in the face; I fell to the floor. Chilly backhanded Gee and she went down too. He was strong as hell. I got to one knee, but before I could get up, he was on me. He rammed his knee into my face and I fell back. I hit my back against the coffee table and rolled over. Chilly came at me, kicking me in the back. Gee got up; Chilly kicked away. She jumped on his back and scratched his face. Chilly shook her off of his back quickly; she hit the floor hard. Chilly turned to look at her; it gave me enough time to get to my feet.
I rushed at him. Clinching both of my hands together, I hit Chilly in the face. He fell back and stumbled over Gee. I went straight at him, hittin’ him again and again. Chilly swung at me and missed. I got one arm around his throat and the other around his head. I squeezed with everything I had. He struggled, I squeezed harder. He tried to get my arm from around his neck. I squeezed harder. I could feel him gasping for air. I jerked his head as hard as I could to the side. Chilly stopped strugglin’. I looked at Gee, she hadn’t moved.
I let his body drop to the floor.
My back was killin’ me.
I looked around for his gun. Conveniently, it had fallen by the couch. I picked it up, sat down, and looked at their bodies on the floor.
Gee began to move and I got up slowly. I helped her to her feet and over to the couch. "Are you all right?" I sat down next to her.
"I think so." Her hands were shaking, so I held them.
"You were all right back there."
"Huh?" she looked at me like I was stupid.
"I mean you didn’t just stand back screamin’. You came through for me. Thank you. You saved my life."
"It wasn’t all that," she smiled. "My back is killin’ me."
"Mine too."
She looked at Chilly. "Is he dead?"
"I don’t know. And I’m not all that interested in goin’ over there to find out. If he moves, I’ll shoot him."
* * *
Chapter Twenty-three
"Was he dead?" Wanda asked.