Page 9 of Private Deceptions
"No, but I can find out. I’ll ask Mrs. Childers."
"You got a picture?" Monika asked.
"You don’t have a picture of the guy you’re looking for? How do you expect to find him?"
"Oh, him."
I handed Monika the picture of Jake and Chésará at the party. Both Monika and Jett looked at me like I was crazy. I thought they wanted a picture of Mrs. Childers.
"Not bad. That the client, Nick?" Jett commented as he dissected the picture with his eyes.
"No, that’s the client’s sister."
"What does the client look like?"
"An older version of her."
"What’s her name?"
"Wouldn’t mine tailin’ her. If you know what I mean."
"See, that’s why I’m here," Monika said, as we arrived at Jake’s. "Nick already got his nose up ones ass. Now you dyin’ to get your head up the sister’s ass."
"Calm down, Monika."
"This is a serious matter. These people are drug dealers, and if they are involved, they’re not gonna think twice about killin’ you for stickin’ your nose in their business."
"I was thinkin’ more about stickin’ other parts of my anatomy in her," Jett said, still looking at the picture of Chésará.
Once we got to the door, I went to work on the lock. "Don’t you have a key?"
"No, Monika. I don’t have a key." I replied, as I opened the door and went inside.
"That is breaking and entering. Now we’re about to tamper with evidence in what may be a crime scene. How much she payin’ us?"
"Ten thousand, to get us started. There’s more if we need it. Money is not an issue."
"Still, I don’t like the way this is goin’ already."
"Tell you what, Monika," Jett said, as he prepared to hack into Jake’s files. "If shit gets too thick, we’ll let you blow up the building."
"Very funny, Jett." She looked around. "This place is cleaner than my house."
"Yeah, Mrs. Childers said he’s kind of anal like that."
While Jett worked on the computer, Monika and I searched the apartment again. "I’ll have it in no time, this is pretty simple stuff. Just hack into this password file and — damn! It’s encrypted."
"Pretty simple stuff," Monika said.
"Yeah, he’ll have it in no time."
Monika looked in the bedroom, while I went through his file cabinets and the mail. Ten minutes or so had gone by when I heard Monika say, "Well now, what do we have here?"