Page 99 of Private Deceptions
"How’s it goin’ Cynt?" She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss that raised an eyebrow on Freeze. Like there was some past thing between us that I never knew about.
"How are you, Nick? I heard you were back in the city. I was wondering, like everybody else, why you hadn’t come around. But I see you picked back up with your old thug buddy here."
"Let’s go to your office Cynt. I need to get something out of your safe." Freeze said.
"You two, rollin’ together, just like old times." Cynt said and turned toward the steps to her office.
I looked at Freeze. He looked at me. We both watched Cynt walk her big pretty ass up the steps. We both smiled. "Just like old times."
Once we were in her office, Cynt opened the safe and stepped aside. She had a small arsenal in that safe. "Help yourself. They’re all clean, acid on the serial numbers. Damn near impossible to trace."
I stepped up and picked out three 45’s and two silencers. Freeze grabbed one too and an AK47, "Just in case things get thick out there."
"That should thin things out nicely." Cynt threw in.
"Got any gloves, Cynt?" I asked.
"What do I look like, Macy’s?"
"Come on Nick, I got some for you in the truck. Lets go."
"Good to see you again Cynt," I said as I followed Freeze out the office.
Cynt grabbed me by the arm.
"You make sure you come back and see me soon, Nick," she said and kissed me on the cheek.
"I’ll do that."
As soon as we got in the truck, Freeze turned to me and shook his head. "What’s up with you and Cynt?"
"I swear man, I don’t know what was up with that."
"Nigga, when you gonna get enough of fuckin’ with Bobby’s women," Freeze laughed. "I’m just fuckin’ with you kid."
"Bobby still fuckin’ Cynt?"
"Naa, Pam got that nigga pussy whipped and on lock down since the day she met him."
"Pam, that his wife?"
"Yeah, she’s a good girl. Real solid, you know. She’s been good for Bobby. Mellowed him the fuck out."
"Maybe after this is over with we can roll by there."
"Time you and Bobby made peace and put that Camille shit behind y’all. Bitch been dead for ten fuckin’ years and shit."
"I feel you."
"Where the fuck we goin’, anyway?"
"Yeah. Wake me up when we get there."
When we got to the house, there was gated entry and a guard posted. I told Freeze to roll by so we could get a look at the place. I sure missed Jett, he would have tapped into some satellite and had a birdseye view of the set up. But that wasn’t the only reason I missed him. He was a good friend. I thought about Monika lying in that hospital bed, fighting for her life. I was here for them.