Page 3 of Commit To Violence
"It’s simple," Black told Hector that day in Miami. "You extend to her the same deal that you offered her."
"No, Black!" Hector shouted. "Only if you stand with her."
"Hector, listen to me. All I am asking is that you stand behind your word. I know that you are an honorable man."
"Understand me, Black. I can’t do that," Hector said as Shy looked on, feeling left out of her own business.
"Hector, look at me," Black said, looking Hector in the eyes. "I would consider it a personal favor if you would stand behind your word and do this for her."
Hector sat back in his chair and pondered Black’s proposal. Shy sat quietly, looking back and forth at both of them. Finally, Hector said, "Shy, it would be my pleasure to do business with you." He got up from the table and handed Shy a card. "Call this number in New York when you are ready to do business. It is always a pleasure to see you, Shy. And you, Black, I hope this concludes our business together," he remarked as he and his associate walked away.
As they walked away Shy looked at Black curiously. "You mind if I ask you a question?"
"Sure, I knew you’d have questions," Black said, continuing to watch Hector until he was out of sight.
"Well, thank you. I only have a few questions. First of all, what just happened?"
"Hector owed me a favor."
"What was that?"
"I introduced him to Angee."
Black explained how back in the day, Hector used to buy from André, who was killing him on price. Hector knew he could get a better price from Black’s friend Angelo Collette. One night while Black was at his club, The Late Night, Angelo came in. He talked with Black while Hector looked on and waited for his chance. When Angelo went to entertain himself with the ladies, Hector came running up to Black and begged him to introduce him to Angelo.
"Hector; let me make sure I understand you. You buy from André, who pays me. And now you want me to introduce you to Angelo, so you can stop buyin’ from André, who pays me. Is that what you’re asking me? Let me make sure I understand you. You want me to take money out of my pocket to help you. Is that what you’re sayin’, Hector?"
"Yes, Black," Hector said.
"You owe me a favor, Hector."
"Okay," Shy said.
"So I take Hector over to Angee and I say, ‘Yo, Angee, this is Hector Villanueva. He’s an honorable man and deserves to be taken seriously.’ So Angee dismisses the honey he’s talkin’ to. He says to me, ‘Is he a good guy, Mikey?’ "
"I said, ‘I wouldn’t introduce him if he wasn’t.’ That’s why he owed me."
"That’s what all that honorable man stuff was about. You were reminding him that he owed you," Shy said.
"You catch on quick, college girl," Black said.
"Now, did you fuck his wife?" Shy asked, praying he’d say no.
"Yes," Black said to Shy.
Black had been having sex with Hector’s wife, Nina, for a year, but didn’t know she was married. She never wore a ring, and Black never asked her any questions.
"I never called her. I never even knew her number. She never knew mine. I’d see her around, we’d hook up, then I wouldn’t see her for a while," Black said.
"So when did you find out she was married?"
"I saw her one night on the street, and she walked up on me. We talked for awhile then she says, ‘Oh shit, here comes my husband.’ So I’m like, ‘You’re married; to who?’ And she points at Hector. I never saw her again after that day."
After Hector found out about the affair, he sent Nina to Miami so his family could watch and insure her fidelity.
When Hector moved to Miami, he very violently carved out a spot for himself. Cruz had worked for his uncle for years, but craved the power his uncle possessed. Hector knew that sooner or later Cruz’s need for power would bring them to a point when Cruz would try to assassinate him. Together, they made the decision to send Cruz to New York to expand his business. When Cruz came to New York, he took over the drug trade in the South Bronx. Now he’s set his sights on making a move uptown.
"You not leaving already, are you, Kenny?" Cruz said as Kenny passed.