Page 24 of Out of Control
“What does that mean in dollars?”
Meka looked up at Black. “We are on track to make over a million dollars today,” she said and smiled. Meka had another reason to be smiling. Her work today had officially made her a millionaire. “That, and I’ve picked up some long term investments that will strengthen our portfolio.”
“That’s cause for a little celebration,” Black said and got up to make himself a drink.
“Make one for me,” Meka said and went back to work. For the rest of the day they celebrated, drank, watched the markets and made money. Then Meka lit up the blunt. “Let me hit that,” Black said and Meka passed it over and got busy rolling another one. Two blunts and five shots of Remy later, Black said, “I ain’t been this kind of high in a long time.”
When the markets closed they had made 1.7 million dollars. Meka got up from the table and began to dance. She picked up her drink and drained it, then she turned up the music. “Get up and dance with me,” Meka said and danced her way closer to Black. “We’re celebrating! I’m a millionaire!”
Black got up slowly and began dancing with Meka. She moved her hips in a circle, arching her back, and then she bent over in front of him. “You shouldn’t bend over like that in front of me, Meka.”
Meka laughed. “Why not,” she and did it again.
“Keep it up and I might have to show you.”
Meka stood up straight and continued dancing closer and closer to Black. He always thought Meka was attractive, tall and fine and at one point he had thought about pursuing her, but CeCe came along and changed everything for him.
Meka stood in front of him and began moving her body slowly. Black stepped a little closer and began to move with her. Meka put her arm around his neck and the two stopped dancing. They looked at each other and then their lips met. Meka turned around and Black put his arms around her waist. He kissed the back of her neck, Meka eyes closed and her head went back as he ran his hand slowly over her chest and put his hand between her thighs. Meka’s body shook a little when he ran one finger down from her clit and along her lips.
Meka spread her legs and bent over as Black unbuckled his pants and eased inside her. “Ooooh—noooo,” Meka said softly as Black ran his hands over her ass and then up and down her back. It didn’t last long, but it was intense. Then suddenly Meka ran in the bathroom and closed the door.
After a while, Black went to door and knocked. “You okay?”
“I’m all right,” Meka said quietly. She felt bad about what they had just done. “Look—ah—why don’t you just go.”
“I’ll call you, okay.”
“Okay.” Black went in the other bathroom, cleaned up and then he left.
New York City
Rain and Chris Toney made their way through the crowd at JR’s on the way to her office. She had a lot on her mind. Rain had begun hearing rumors and she didn’t like what she was hearing. The word was that Wanda is planning to force Nick out. They were just about to go in the back of the club when Rain felt a hand on her shoulder. She reached for her gun and Chris Toney stopped and turned around quickly. By the time Rain recognized who it was, Chris Toney already had his gun in the man’s face. Rain held up one hand and Chris Toney moved his gun away. “What’s up, Ronnie? When you get out?”
“A couple of days ago,” he said and tried to hug Rain but she held him off. Ronnie was Ronald King, the son of Robert King. After Black killed André Hammond and Jamaica killed Cazzie Riley, Jimmy Knowles, Charlie Rock, and Vincent Martin attempted to kill Black, which started a war between Black and what remained of André's and Cazzie Riley's organizations. Once Black was successful in eliminating his enemies, Chilly took over what was left of André’s drug operation, and Robert King took over Cazzie Riley’s operation. In those days, Robert was good friends with Rain’s father JR. Rain had known Ronnie as long as she could remember. They even dated for a while before he went to jail for possession. “Oh, it’s like that?” Ronnie asked Rain as Chris Toney moved a step closer.
“You been gone a long time. A lot has changed,” Rain said.
“Is your pops in? I’d like to say hello,” Ronnie said.
“My father is dead. Me and my man run this place now.”
“I didn’t know.”
“I guess not,” Rain said and gave him attitude.
“I’m sorry. Him and my father were close.”
“So close that he forgot to show up for his funeral or send flowers.”
“He’s been sick. Maybe he didn’t hear about JR passing.”