Page 37 of Out of Control
“Where’s Rain?”
“I think she’s going to Clay’s Garage to pick up the SUV you ordered. We’re in the van now.”
“I want you to keep an eye on Rain.”
“She wants me to stay with you.”
Nick shook his head. “You make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid.”
“Like what Nick, killin’ Wanda?”
Nick didn’t answer.
“Look, once I get you settled I’ll call Rain and tell her not to do anything without checkin’ with you first. But I ain’t leavin’ you,” Jap said defiantly and Nick didn’t argue. He closed his eyes and hoped that Rain wasn’t on her way to kill Wanda.
When Rain arrived at Clay’s Garage, Chance was ready for her. He handed her the keys to a Chevy Suburban. “It’s got double reinforced steel all around and the glass is bullet proof.”
“Thanks,” Rain said and got in the Suburban with Chris Toney.
“Where we goin’?”
“Take me by the club,” Rain said and Chris Toney put the Suburban in drive. Memphis, Donavan and Brandon followed behind them. She was tired, but Rain knew it would be a long time before she could sleep. Right now, she wanted to go by the club to get more gu
ns and ammo. If she got caught in a firefight, she didn’t want to come up empty. Then she searched Nick’s office. “What you lookin’ for?” Memphis asked.
“I know Nick got some flash grenades in here somewhere,” Rain said and looked until she found two. Once she had armed herself, they hit the streets again.
“Where to now?” Chris Toney asked as he drove. Rain didn’t answer and tired to think about what Nick would do. The only thing on her mind was killing Wanda, but she knew that was more for personal reasons so she tried to focus. Then it hit her. “Nick got somebody snitchin’ for him inside Cynt’s.”
“What makes you think that?”
“’Cause he knew we was there last night.”
“Who you think it is?”
“I don’t know.”
“You wanna ride by there, ask some questions?”
“Hell no. We roll up in there now, we gonna end up havin’ to shoot our way outta there.”
“So what you wanna do?”
“I don’t know nigga. Let me think.” Rain thought for a minute. “What about your girl at Grant’s?”
“Yeah, but don’t the same logic apply?”
“Can’t you call her ass and get her to come out?”
“I guess we’ll find out,” Chris Toney said and headed in that direction.
Once they got close to Grant’s, Rain saw something that got her excited. “Drive around the block and park up the street,” she ordered.
Chris Toney parked the car and Rain got out. “Where you goin’?”
“To look at something. You wait here. I’ll be right back.” Rain walked down the street and as she got closer she knew she was right. Parked across the street from Grant’s was the van used to shoot Nick. She recognized the three-bullet holes she had put in it plus the others it got when her and Memphis opened fire.
Rain went back to the Suburban and signaled for the rest of her men to join her. “That’s the van they used to try and kill Nick.”