Page 42 of Out of Control
“Okay,” Black said and wondered why. Since they weren’t far from her place, why go to the Hilton? But he knew Jada had her own way of doing things, so he didn’t question it.
Jada started to gather her things. “I want you to understand something, Mr. Black.”
“What’s that, Ms. West?”
“I am by no means trying to or even thinking about coming between you and your woman. I don’t want to break up your family or anything like that. You do understand that, don’t you?”
“If I didn’t I do now,” Black said and signed for the check.
“I’ve just wanted to have sex with you from the first time I saw you that night at Ecstasy and I may be wrong but I think that you’ve thought about me in that way too.”
“Believe me, I have.”
“This can in no way affect our business relationship.” Then she pointed at him and shook her finger. “I don’t care how good you are in bed, you are far more valuable to me as a business partner.”
Black smiled. And thought about the money they were making together. “On that we can agree.”
Jada smiled. “I’m glad we have an understanding.”
“So am I.”
“Thirty minutes then?”
“Thirty minutes.”
Jada stood up. “Oh, and don’t be late. You how I hate to be kept waiting, Mr. Black.”
“I know you do, Ms West,” Black said as the waiter brought the check and Jada left the restaurant. He went to the British Colonial Hilton and since he had a few minutes to kill, he went to the Bullion Bar in the hotel and had a drink before going up to Jada’s room.
When Jada answered the door she was dressed in a black charmeuse with lace silk robe and satin high-heel slippers. She invited him in and asked him to have a seat.
“Champagne?” Jada offered.
“Thank you.”
He watched as she poured. Her robe fit her body perfectly; like it was designed to hug her full breasts, her small waist, and curvaceous hips. Jada came and sat down next to him and they chatted and laughed as they always did. Then he leaned over and kissed her.
“What took you so long?” she asked as his mouth cupped hers again. As Black’s tongue attacked hers, his hands slid across her breasts. He squeezed them and Jada could feel the river begin to flow between her thighs. Jada stood up and held out her hand. Black accepted her hand and she led him to the bed.
He kissed her again, nibbled her chin and sucked her neck, all while he took off his shirt and eased the robe from her body. Black lowered his head and took her nipple between his lips. It sent warm sensations rushing through her body and she couldn’t remember a time she’d felt this way.
Black laid Jada down on the bed and he spread her legs open with one of his hands. Then he used his finger to dip into her. He looked into her eyes as he stroked her. “You are so wet, Ms. West.” Jada closed her eyes and felt herself tremble as he eased that penetrating finger in and out of her. She bit her bottom lip to stop from screaming.
When Black laid down next to her, she attacked his tongue the way he’d done hers. Black cupped her breast and rolled on top of her.
Before she could catch her breath, he eased himself inside her, Jada was so wet and it felt so good to be inside her. “Oh, Mr. Black.” Jada raked her fingernails gently across his back, kissed and sucked his neck. She moved her hips, moving her body into his and Black could swear he felt her juices overflow. He pulled back and gazed into her eyes. Jada wanted him to feel her, she wanted to love him this one time like they belonged together and until neither could handle another stroke. If only for one night.
The following day Black was at the airport, waiting for the last flight from Miami to arrive. Usually when people came to the island, he would have Jamaica send one of his men with a car to pick them up. But this wasn’t just anybody on that plane, so Black was there himself. While he waited his mind drifted to his rendezvous with Jada the afternoon before. As the passengers came through and cleared customs, Black sat and waited patiently. The last passenger to come through was Bobby Ray.
Black stood up when he saw Bobby at the customs desk. He walked over there and waited until Bobby was done. “Welcome to Nassau,” Black said and the two men, who had been more like brothers than friends, embraced. “Good to see you, Mike.”
“I was shocked when Pam called and said you were on your way down here.”
“It least she talks to you,” Bobby said as they got his luggage.
“Pam don’t talk to you?” Black asked.